(no subject)

Jul 24, 2008 06:41

[Filter: Private, Language: Portuguese]

In retrospect, I do not know why I was so scared and almost peed myself when Liliya said that I am in danger of dying. Since I have been young, I have been infatuated with death. Corpses... wreckage... to break your arm like this or to break a glass cup? Where is the difference?

Why am I quoting Tokyo Babylon.

When I was a young boy, my father often made me watch him enbalm the bodies. If I were still in Spain, and if all of my older brothers were to die mysteriously, the funeral home would be mine, after all. I still remember the embalming process. It is ingrained sensually into my skin like a tattoo. Like this tattoo on my neck... kjsadkasdja get it off

  • Removal of all clothing/personal effects
  • The corpse is washed in disinfectant and germicidal solutions
  • During this process the embalmer bends, flexes and massages the arms and legs to relieve rigor mortis
  • The eyes are posed using an eye cap that keeps them shut and in the proper expression
  • The mouth may be closed via suturing with a needle and ligature, using an adhesive, or by setting a wire into the maxilla and mandible with a needle injector
  • Injection of embalming chemicals into the blood vessels, usually via the right common carotid artery
  • The suction of the internal fluids of the corpse and the injection of formaldehyde into body cavities
  • The injection of embalming chemicals under the skin as needed with a hypodermic needle

I get tingly when I think about it. Those pale sightless eyes. The limp hands. The still, tired heart, never to beat again. If I die, that is how I will be. I will be beautiful. Oh yes.

Perhaps I should have never searched for vampires. Perhaps I ought to have become an embalmer like my mother, my father, my three older sisters, and my five older brothers.

... No. I must sample the sensual passions... the dimly lit bedrooms where the beds are fancy and have curtains... blood and pleasure and pain... and a beautiful vampire who will be my best friend in the whole world and wear lovely 18th century inspired clothing.

I miss my bed. I miss my books. I miss Aunt Jacinta. I miss her boyfriend who locked me into the bathroom for two days when I used his pants for extra fabric for a new cape. Why were his pants off anyways? Was he having sex with Aunt Jacinta?


Are Damon and I


[Filter: Damon, Language: English]

Are we dating?

I want to go to an Italian restaurant with you and eat spaghetti from the same dish.

damon matt, ambrosius

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