
Jul 22, 2008 21:13

[ Filter: Private | Language: Mandarin ]

I feel like I've lost my sense of humor.

[ Filter: Berlin Black Order | Language: English, German ]

Just checking up on you guys, if that's okay. How have all of you been doing?

tei lai huang, faramond den adelle, sirideán callahan

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[Filter: Berlin Black Order] jumpstarted July 23 2008, 02:00:05 UTC
Can I ask why you're disgusted? And I'm just fine. Tired, mostly.


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[Filter: Berlin Black Order] jumpstarted July 23 2008, 02:08:38 UTC
I guessed as much. I agree with you, though. Just thinking about them puts me in a bad mood. We were dealt a low blow.

[Filter: Dragomir]

I am, yeah.


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[Filter: Berlin Black Order] jumpstarted July 23 2008, 02:52:45 UTC
Unfortunately. Wish I could come up with some optimistic thing to say here, but I can't.

[Filter: Dragomir]

I do. She's pretty important to him.


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[Filter: Berlin Black Order] jumpstarted July 23 2008, 03:16:33 UTC
I think you're right. Not sure, but we can only hope someone's listening up there.

[Filter: Dragomir]

They have a long history, but I long since stopped believing she would follow her feelings for him rather than her fucked up beliefs. She's playing a sick game, and I don't think she has a clue what it's doing to him. And if she does, then she obviously cares more about her precious Order than anything else.

She's pushed Adelle into a corner, and I know he's trying his best, but she's really not giving him a choice. I don't think she's the woman any of us thought she was. I really don't want to see everything land on his shoulders because of this. It's just. god.

... You don't know how long I've wanted to say something about this.


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[Filter: Dragomir] jumpstarted July 23 2008, 04:40:51 UTC
Likewise! I'm glad we agree on this ( ... )


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[Filter: Dragomir] jumpstarted July 24 2008, 01:26:09 UTC
I hate to think that some of them probably see this situation as laughable. After this? We can no longer take her words at face value. Like you said, there's no going back after doing something this bad. As for her 'caring', I wouldn't be surprised if she saw her people as expendable. Just like she probably sees us as obstacles to crush.

I can't only hope the same. Odette would be the one to blame, for creating this mess and for taking it to an extreme where it really didn't have to go. I don't want Sirideán to have to experience that pain and anger, though.

I'm sorry, Dragomir. I didn't know her as well as you did, so I'm sure this is as painful to you as it is to Adelle.

So am I. She's sort of become a taboo topic.


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[Filter: Dragomir] jumpstarted July 24 2008, 02:09:14 UTC
I never really liked him, actually. But them and their stupid walks. I hope it rains on all of them. I don't like hurting girls either, Dragomir, but I think I can make an exception for her. I'm not going to underestimate her like I did the last time.

I don't think Sirideán would be himself without Noelle. God, she should have just waited and gone with the rest of you. Can't blame her for going, though. Who would have thought that they would kidnap her? Although a part of me feels like we should have seen this coming.

Before any of this started, I got that impression from her. She seemed genuinely kind and happy. I can only imagine what your thoughts about her are like now.

You did? It may? I would ask more, but that would be prying on my part.


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[Filter: Dragomir] jumpstarted July 24 2008, 03:41:19 UTC
I see. I am in full support of a full storm starting when they're out and about. As for last time ... well, you remember the charity? I sort of confronted her there. Wasn't very pleasant.

If this is just the tip of the iceberg, I don't want to imagine what else they're willing to do.

... I think I know which smile you're talking about. It is scary. I'll bear it, though. You're probably right in thinking that he needs this support. Off I go to pry.


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