Jul 22, 2008 13:26

[Private // Czech]

Well I've certainly awakened at a strange time. At least everything's already a big damn mess.

I see some familiar faces.

[White Order Generals // English]

Ladies and Gentlemen, I've made it to the round table. ♥

[Rome White Order // English]

Well, Soldiers, we have our work cut out for us, don't we?

Name's Aleksandr Novak. I don't care if you call me Aleksander, Novak, General, whatever. I simply ask that outside of Order business, I'm Aleš. I keep my life very separate from this gig, and expect you to respect that. Let's begin with a refresher. Your name. Your phone number. Your ability. And how well you know that ability.

Let me straight out say that you are not to be my pawns. You are my team from this day forward. Teammates are not expendable. What has been done with this Order in the past is to be forgotten now. I run this parade differently. Even without Order business, my doors are open, if you need a place to chill for a while. I don't bite. Just kidding.[gone]

Be prepared to act soon. Too much time has been lost. Let's show the White Order that Rome is on top in every aspect of the word. Our actions have been an embarrassment in the past, there is no room for mistakes.

[Public // English, Czech]

Someone came into the store today and was all "I can't decide if I want regular milk, or chocolate milk." Honestly, what am I supposed to say to that. If you like chocolate milk, then you don't deny the chocolate milk, know what I'm saying?

This seemed like the proper place to talk about something as pointless as all that.

Hello beautiful~ ♥

tobias moretti, damon matt, fleur bernard, aleksandr novak, ambrosius, kaoru miura, da hai kwan, joo-eun hwa, phineas reginald wiggins, andrej stanislav, bailey bailey, gaige carmine favilla, corrina laurent

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