LOG; hold the hands of sinners; THÉODORE + AURÉLIE

May 09, 2008 01:20

who; The Laurent twins
what; Lulz what do you think.
when; Thursday evening.

His head felt congested and dizzy but after swallowing that bitter syrup several hours earlier, Théodore was sure that it wasn't a cold he had. It was weird; he couldn't remember the last time he was actually sick, let alone feeling drained.

Usually, Aurélie was the one that got sick; physically she was much weaker than her twin was. More accustomed to being fussed over while her brother looked after her, she was somewhat at a loss for what to do when the situation was reversed. After wandering around aimlessly in the kitchen, trying to figure out what to do, she settled for making some tea. While she waited for the water to heat up, she brought some spare blankets and draped them over Théodore.

"I'll be back with some tea," she told him worriedly, placing her hand over his forehead. He felt feverish.

Uhm. What else did she have to do. Sick people should eat... soup. She'd have to make soup, too, so maybe the tea should have waited until later. And medicine. And were those enough blankets? She'd forgotten his pillow. Feeling more lost by the moment, she settled for opening and closing the cupboards, not even knowing what she was looking for.

Théodore could overhear Aurélie scrambling around the kitchen. He could even hear the cluttering of objects and opening and closing of cupboards. What was she doing? She was really making a fuss out of this, it was kind of funny. He didn't sit up yet, still listening to his twin moving about in the other room.

"I'm not dying," he called out.

He chuckled lightly and finally sat up, stretching his arms. Théodore wasn't accustomed to sitting still unless he absolutely had to. Even though he was under orders, sitting in the Jubilee Gardens almost all day was so boring and uneventful. He eavesdropped on conversations but they were all the usual things: family, boyfriends, girlfriends, jobs, food, pets, etc... nothing he himself considered interesting.

Or maybe it was because Théodore had been by himself the whole time. Even if his sister was quiet, her presence made everything more livelier. (Maybe it was the occasional stare they got when people noticed Aurélie's eye patch.)

"Stay there," she called back in return.

Trying to collect herself, she decided to do things one at a time (like making soup, finding medicine, and so on), and made her way back to Théodore's side with the tea.

"Fine, fine."

Her firm voice was even more amusing. Théodore didn't realize she had it in herself to assert herself.

When she came into the same room as him, he pushed his legs off the couch to seat himself properly. He took the cup of tea from her and had a sip. It was well prepared, when had Aurélie learned to make tea?

"Thanks," he said, glancing up at her with a tiny smile. "I think it's a fever, though. But I don't die easily." He added.

Théodore wanted to see his sister's reaction and decided to play with her this time.

She hardly ever felt a real need to assert herself, so she usually didn't, both out of habit and a desire to avoid conflict. And when it came to her brother, well. Aurélie was willing to go along with what made him happy.

"Are you going out tomorrow, too? You should get a lot of bedrest when you're sick," she murmured. Aurélie knew she was fretting unnecessarily, but it would be nice to have him at home to herself again. She could be selfish, too.

"General orders," he shrugged carelessly, shutting his eyes. Then he peeked at her with one eye, extending a hand to her cheek. "I wouldn't mind staying home either."

"I know," she answered, placing a hand over his. "But still.."

Trailing off momentarily, she remembered that she should be taking care of him.

"Are you hungry? Do you want anything else?"

"No, it's alright."

He was being honest; he didn't feel hungry. He set the tea aside and lifted the covers off himself.

"I don't need anything else," he murmured and rose from the couch, almost gliding towards Aurélie. For twins, she sure was tinier than him.

Wasn't it normal for sick people to have no appetite..? So that was probably a bad sign. Tilting her head back slightly to see him eye-to-eye, she decided that she'd make soup for him later anway. Somehow.

"Are you sure?"

That concerned gaze she was giving him was asking Théodore to just say yes, even if he wasn't hungry.

He felt a little hotter and unbuttoned some of the buttons on his shirt lazily. Placing his hands on Aurélie's shoulders, he bent his head to meet at an eye level, but he wondered how ridiculous he looked being half-tired now.

"I don't need anything. Not when you're around."

Aurélie didn't think he looked ridiculous at all, and nodded, though she had to doubt that a bit, even if it was her brother. She couldn't measure up to him in the slightest; it was only because they were twins that she was lucky enough to have his company.

"I don't, either." She absentmindedly wondered if she would end up getting sick, too.

"Really?" Of course. Nothing else mattered and nothing would come between him and his sister. "I'm glad to hear that."

He reached for her chin with the tips of his fingers but only lightly brushed her skin when he stumbled over, hitting the floor without warning.

She couldn't react quickly enough to break his fall, and with a gasp, Aurélie knelt by his side, worry evident in her expression as she shook him.

She'd.. call a doctor, or something, because he never got this sick. Ever.


His hand shot out and within a second Théodore had snatched Aurélie's tiny wrist and pulled her down. He was careful to catch her before she hit the floor but then put her down anyway, rolling himself on top of her, still securing her wrist.

"You worry a lot." He said to her.

And then he pulled back his head slightly and laughed loudly.

Her eyes shut tightly when he pulled her down, and breathing somewhat unevenly, she looked up at him, helpless to move.

"I can't help it," she said, before coughing a few times.

Her body trembled beneath his.

"See? You need to take care of yourself." He let go of her wrist, instead supporting himself above her by placing his palm outwards on the floor. "What happens if we're both sick?"

Like it mattered now. Aurélie was definitely catching something from him, so there no point in fighting it.

Théodore's hand slipped onto her leg, creeping up the inners of her thigh. "Guess it doesn't matter anymore."

Her breath hitched and she managed a small, "I don't mind," before giving another involuntary shudder.

"Are you sure?"

He didn't wait for a reply and was already dipping his head down to her neck.

Her only reply was a sharp gasp as she reached up to hold onto him.

He lowered himself as far as he could and allowed her to wrap her arms around him while he smothered the end of her gasp with his lips.

aurélie laurent, logs, théodore laurent

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