To do list:
-Study for Anthro
--Read chapters 8, 9, 11, take notes
--Read Annual Edition articles 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32
-Study for Biopsych
--Study sections 13.1, 14.1, 15.1, 15.2
-Sleep at around 11 or 12-ish
-Wake up at 5:30 or so
-Study for Biopsych some more
-Leave house by 8 AM
-8:30 AM - 10:15 AM study session for Anthropology
-Biopsych final June 13 10:15 AM
-Study for Anthro
--Anthropology final June 13 1 PM
-Read the rest of The First Word by Christine Kenneally
-Work on Anthro paper
-Print out hard copy of Anthro paper draft
-Rewrite Socioling notes
-Wake up at 5:30 AM... again...
-Leave house at 7:30 AM
-Sociolinguistics final June 14 8 AM
-Call Customer Service for laptop before 6 PM
-Go to Ana's house to try vegan cupcakes
-Give Andres his graduation present
-Print out flight itinerary
-Pack for San Jose
-Fix the rest of my paper, finish
-Try to sleep if possible
-Wake up at 5 AM URGH
-Departure in SJ June 15 9:15 AM
--Pay Kochan back for [title of show] tickets
-Arrival back to LA June 18 8:50 PM
-Anthro paper due June 18 12 midnight
--Try... not to do that... |:
Sorry for all the repetitive to do list posts, it's just really surreal that this is all happening... I really don't feel like this is it, this is what 16 weeks have boiled down to, now let's take care of business!
...No, I more feel like "fuck, really? I'm only on the second section of my Anthro paper? And I haven't had the chance to study? AND I have to be at school by 8:30 AM? Well, crap."
I guess there's no time like the present.
On a completely unrelated note, this video about
how to deal with a bear greatly amuses me XD