Dec 04, 2004 03:59
Over the last few months I have had an strong erg to smoke! I cann't stand being around it, how people just litter the ground with the butts, and most of all the smell of it. So how can that be? Before this strange feeling occurred I wondered how could a person, knowing all the deadly details behind a cigarette actually smoke it? I can't frown down on any smoker because the same can be asked to me, how can I continue to eat unhealthy things knowing what the results are. They both are similar problems. Smoking is a problem I do not want to add on to my already full plate.
It does not help when I go to a school where the minority seem to be non-smokers. It's scary because I never seriously considered smoking at all until I got there and all of a sudden I want to go to the nearest store and buy a pack. To top it all off, this week I let me curiosity get the better of me. A good friend of mines and I went outside from our little break we get within the class hour. Before we went down stairs she asked me, did I want to go down with her so she could smoke. I said yeah I'll go. You know just to talk not to smoke myself because I never smoked before. Then she asked me, Did I want to try one?
You know all them little commercials I've heard over the years about, "If someone ask you to smoke or do drugs, You say what...SAY NO!" were forgotten that quickly. You would think if you kept hearing them over, and over and over again you would get the picture but no, I said SURE! I mentally slapped myself while going down the stairs. I thought it over and decided I'll tell her, No thanks, I changed my mind and that would be the end of it. It wasn't like it was forced on me or anything. Next thing I know we're outside and it's handed to me, I take it. I take the first puff. It was nasty! It burned my noise. It felt like sniffing Vic's Vapor Rub but 10X worser. It didn't have that wonderful taste I've heard from others. In fact, it tasted much like nothing to me.
So, if I felt like that towards them, why in the hell do I want another one so badly and why did I smoke another one the next day? You can't get hooked on nicotine that quickly can you? I looked it up and all I saw was that nicotine stays in the body 72 to 96 hours from you last smoked cigarette. Its only been 3 days now. The cravens have calmed down some or maybe it's just all in my head. The only thing I'm worried about now is when I'm around my friends, who are all smokers. I don't want to start another bad habit when I'm fighting hard as hell with another one. I know I have more control over myself but I guess I'm associating this with my weight issue and how easily I let that get out of hand. No matter what, I won't let it happen this time.