Oct 10, 2010 17:09
I have so much uni work to do but of course I cannot muster the energy to do it. Two essays due: A 3000 word one worth 45% due in just over 2 weeks. A 4000 word one worth 100% due in just over 4 weeks. Seems like a lot of time until you factor in how much time is spent at work, travelling or at uni.
I've decided to finish this semester off with a Graduate Cert in Publishing instead of continuing with my Masters. I don't have the time and frankly the subjects remaining seem like a waste of time. I want to broaden my knowledge and skills but I don't think any of the remaining subjects will do that. I might go back later, I have 10 years lol.
I have been pre-approved for a car loan. This is both exciting and absolutely terrifying. I'm scared to be in debt in any way but I desperately need to replace my car. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a little Hyundai Getz. They're the best for price, features and safety in the size I'm after.
Last night P and I went to this amazing Thai restaurant in Newtown for our anniversary. The food was amazing. We went back to his and chatted until after 2am. One problem we're having at the moment is I'm a morning person and he isn't. The problem is that I'll wake up at 8am and he'll stay sleeping until 10. He doesn't have proper tv at his place and I keep forgetting to pack a book so I get horribly bored. It will probably get easier once uni is finished and I won't have the weight of 'I should be at home working on assignments' weighing on my conscience.
Also, it looks like we're getting a little blue roan cocker spaniel in a few weeks. One of my relatives is a top breeder and by chance we saw an ad where they had a 6 month old puppy returned. We contacted them and they'd re-homed that one but they have a new litter that's 5 weeks old. Cute! Puppies! Mum keeps suggesting awful names though like Monty. Ack.