Oct 15, 2009 21:04
I am currently sitting in the common room of a hostel in Vancouver and feeling more than a little sleepy.
Thanksgiving in Saskatchewan was wonderful. I loved meeting Caitlin's family and it was definitely an experience. There's nothing quite like the prairies. It was freezing there, between 0 and -11. There was a little snow, not too much because it's a little early for snow at the moment. We ate so much tasty food; God I'm positive I've doubled in size. The only downer was we found a stray kitten and she was utterly gorgeous. She was a tortoise-shell with amber eyes and the most unique markings around her face. A wonderful temperament too. Except she died. I'm still upset about it. Her little body was like a ragdoll in my arms.
So I've changed my flights to come home early. I leave on the 27th October instead of the 12th November. Except now I don't know if I made the right choice. I don't know, I think I would feel this way no matter what. Being away for 3 months is different than 2 weeks. It stops feeling like a holiday and more a way of life. Routines change, thoughts change. I'm not really homesick, I think I could continue living overseas indefinitely. I miss my cats, and having a proper bed, and a little more freedom with my money. But at the same time I don't feel like I'm on holiday.
I'm worried about going back to work, I don't know what to say to them. How do I explain coming home early? I didn't really run out of money or stop having fun, I just got... tired. I guess that's the best way to describe it. But I don't want people thinking this trip was a failure, because it hasn't been. My main issue was that I hadn't planned Canada properly and then everything I was planning kept falling through.
I'm in Vancouver till Tuesday. I'm supposed to be staying with some family that a guy at mum's work knows but they are away until either Friday or Saturday. The fact I don't know when I'll be there is making things really difficult to organise. I think I've decided to stay at the hostel tomorrow night and go to a hockey game. Then I can meet up with these people on Saturday.
Tuesday I fly to New York. Wooh! I can't even fathom how huge that city is. And I only have 4.5 days there. I'm going to pick up a New York guide tomorrow and plan a few must-sees.
I miss having someone to talk to.