First Week In The Netherlands

Jul 04, 2012 13:10

With the assistance of Wingnut's dad, we'd hoped to be able to move straight from London to Leiden but had reckoned without real estate agents. Sigh. Fortunately, a family member in The Hague is providing us with a roof over our heads while we look for some place to live. So it feels like I'm rather on holiday here, rather than being properly moved.

Dutch foods consumed so far: croquette inna bun, herring inna bun and raisin buns. Still need to add Dutch chips to that list though not inna bun.

We immediately had a family event to go to in Leiden (the reason for leaving London a little early) and basically have had as busy a social calendar as in London, which shouldn't have surprised me but it did. It was lovely to hang out with P&N and family in their garden though and also getting in a surprise dinner with tla who was passing through on her way to Leuven.

On Sunday morning, we were glued to the tv as a Dutch astronaut, André Kuipers, was landing back on Earth after being on the ISS for 193 days. As Commander Oleg Kononenko and Don Pettit emerged from the capsule too, the NOS were forced to concede that it hadn't been a solo mission... And I thought the ITV football commentators were bad. But it was all very exciting.

I've also established that every single train station in the Netherlands is a mess, whether due to building works or otherwise. Just as I left it, then. :-)


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