‘This is officially now the most secure bathroom break in the history of law enforcement’
I seriously shouldn’t be posting now but I need a break from my UDDERS lifestyle of the past couple of days (see last post for reference). It’s been brutal, people, just brutal - I feel literally like the walking dead - but lucky for you I don’t have time to bore you with the details. (Oh thank God, I hear you all say, lol).
So, right now I am going to wax on for a little bit about this week’s PB ep. It’s only been a couple of hours or so since I finished watching and I’m still trying to take it all in, to be honest!
Man, did I learn heaps in those 42 minutes. *raises eyebrows* All kinds of things - apparently there is a flair for low-cost, basic dentistry hiding beneath that Linc!Smash exterior; Alex is this week’s new McGyver in the art of escaping from custody; Sara and Michael totally win at life for their bedside banter and General Krantz has temporarily become ‘Mr Special K’ in my mind for his achievements in customer service and quality control. LOL.
But seriously, 4.15 had lots going for it - despite a couple of things that made me go ‘WTF’? (Insert Sucre's departure, and Michael walking around just after brain surgery.) I loved all the little shout-outs to Fox River; Michael back in his prison blues *nostalgic sigh* was so great, the mentioning of the tattoos and why Michael got them, the idea that it’s ALWAYS been about family, and of course, the fabulous Westmoreland and Marilyn making a special appearance - for me personally, a particular highlight.
Most people know I’m a Team Lincoln girl and so this post is mainly about him. I’d been a little less than happy with what the writers had given him to do earlier in the season; he seemed very one-dimensional, all smash and no substance, if you know what I mean. Lately though, it has been much better - we actually got a mention of LJ last week!! How good was that? *g*
This week’s Lincoln seemed one who was single-mindedly focussed on doing whatever it took to ensure the safety of Michael’s life, and his own desire to ‘finish this’, even if that meant he had to work for the very people they’d been fighting to take down. It was like at this point he didn’t care what it took; whatever would get him closer to his goal, he’d do it and worry about the consequences later, which IMO, is typical Lincoln behaviour.
That ‘Tombstone II’ folder seemed to be exactly the kind of added incentive the General intended it to be. Speaking of which, I have a varying degree of emotion about all that and the introduction of Christina Rose as a former Company employee; not sure if I’m too thrilled with the idea, to be honest. Wasn’t Aldo enough, writers? *sigh* Jeez.
Watching Linc with the General had a very Master and Apprentice feel about it, didn’t it? He was like a piece of granite with little visible emotion bar a couple of swallows during the General’s assessment of his ‘resume’ - and seemed to take it like a soldier sucking it up before going out and doing what must be done. He’d be seething underneath it all, in my mind. First there's Aldo being a former Company employee, but now his mother? That’s gotta do your head in, I reckon. Talk about setting loose a whole HEAP of plot bunnies right there.
The reveal of Christina’s former employment to Michael at the end was in keeping with Lincoln’s mindset, IMO - I kept seeing a teenage Linc laying down the law to wee!Michael and not taking no for an answer - in Linc’s mind he’s doing it for Michael’s own good, so they can all get their lives back, so he can rationalize his reasons to himself for leaving him there. At any rate, it was a great angsty scene - Michael’s face when Linc left was GAH. Oh, and a quick shallow note here - could wardrobe PLEASE give Linc some pants that don’t sag in the ass!!
A couple of other things, just quickly:
We saw the awesomeness that was Sara, who was GREAT. OMG. So, so good. And with great hair! Gah. Loved her face-off with the General; you could see she was scared but the determination to find her father’s killer was greater. I loved that. Standing her ground and giving it right back to him. Fantastic.
Michael’s brain is a thing of beauty, isn’t it? (I know his body is as well, but I’ll leave it to the others who can cover that far more eloquently than I.) But seriously, his grey matter is quite phenomenal - I love how he thinks, how his mind compartmentalises thousands of pieces of data like a little computer, and then when required he sifts through all that information and puts it all together. How good would Michael be at things like Sudoku? Or funnily enough, like WEM, Scrabble? LOL. I also liked the ‘You’re beautiful’ line to Sara and the hand holding and stroking, too. *g*
The dynamic duo, Alex and Lang were just brilliant, hence my use of Alex’s words at the top of this post. They have such great chemistry together, I always enjoy watching them. It is a sign of amazing acting how they convey so much with so few words. And the ‘Another time, another place, Felicia’ line was fabulous. *g*
Sucre leaving seemed kinda abrupt - plus I’m going to MISS him! Be safe, papi. Sniffled a little over his goodbye with Lincoln.
Gretchen is really growing on me - she makes me laugh, especially with the ‘cat-on-heat’ type behaviour, lol. Quite frankly, Self should be bloody grateful he didn’t sleep with her - I think she’d chew him up and spit him out without even breaking a sweat!
The General was quite the performer this week, too - what a nasty, manipulative and incredibly evil man. I’m wondering what his daughter Lisa will end up doing now she knows the ‘real’ him. Hmmm.
So, one more episode and then we're on hiatus. *pouts* Not looking forward to that - by then BOTH my shows will be on hiatus! *sigh*
Hope you are all surviving the lead up to Christmas - I am, as I said, but only just. There have been a few late nights, let me tell ya!
*hugs you all*
Sierra Foxx