The First Date - 1/3ish

Nov 14, 2008 21:38

This story takes place just after my story “The Torchwood” and occasionally references some things that happened there, but you don’t need to read one to understand the other. If you’re interested, you can find “The Torchwood” here:

All you really need to know, though, is that this section is the set up for the infamous first date.

Just as Jack was finishing a rather large stack of paperwork (yes, even he had to admit the rarity of that occasion. After rescuing Ianto from his kidnappers and nursing him back to health over the past week, it just didn’t seem fair to welcome the young man back to work with a hearty “Cheers Ianto! Have a few dozen forms!), the door to his office slammed open and a rather flushed Ianto barged in. Jack watched, astonished, as the man hurried across the room and slapped a crumpled piece of paper onto Jack’s desk.

“There!” Ianto shouted triumphantly, running one hand through his hair and the other over his jacket. The navy pinstripe today, with the yellow shirt, trousers just tight enough to show off his ass and keep Jack watching, while still respectable enough for the office. Ianto was certainly no virgin and Jack was more than appreciative of his efforts.

Jack glanced at the paper, seeing only Owen’s illegible scrawl. He looked back up at Ianto, smirking as he saw the young man practically hopping in excitement.

“Ok…” Jack said slowly, raising an eyebrow. “And this is?”

“A note. From a doctor. An actual doctor, I checked with NHS.”

“Yeah, I can see that,” Jack responded, still confused. He turned his chair to watch as Ianto moved to the windows and shut the blinds.

“I just want you to remember that, despite his idiocy and lack of any bedside manner, Owen is, in fact, a doctor. And you hired him,” Ianto said quickly, spinning around and putting his hands on his hips.

“I know I hired him. I was there when it happened. What’s the note for?”

Ianto slowly stalked over to Jack’s desk and, bending over to be near Jack’s face, placed both hands on the wood. “It’s a note. From a doctor. To tell you that I am finally back on active duty.”

Jack took a deep breath and whispered, “That’s…that’s good, Ianto. We can go weevil hunting some night.” Ianto chuckled, and his breath blew gently over Jack’s nose. Jack had been away for six months, away from the man and his coffee and his suits and his ass and his sense of humor. Then, before Jack even had time to make things up, Ianto had been kidnapped and poisoned. Except for sleeping next to one another while Ianto recovered, too ill and tired to take advantage or be taken advantage of, this was the most intimate they had been. Jack was loathe to break the tension between them, loathe to even more a fraction of an inch.

“I got a note from a doctor to tell you I’m fit for active duty,” Ianto began quietly. Then, in a manner far more blunt than he had ever been, he continued, “I want sex.”

Jack gulped. “Um, what?”

“Sex, Jack. I want it right now. Tosh took Owen and Gwen out to lunch so we could have sex. I want you, your ass, and your cock downstairs right now.”

With that, Ianto reached a hand around Jack’s neck and pulled him in for a bruising kiss. His tongue plundered Jack’s mouth, and Jack was left with no doubt that Ianto did, in fact, want sex. Either that, or Gwen had released the aphrodisiac again. Or Owen had injected him with something. Or…and all coherent thought flew from Jack’s mind as Ianto pushed the paperwork and files to the floor, hopped up, knelt on the desk, and began undoing his belt.

Jack’s hands flew up to grab Ianto’s wrists. “Whoa! Slow down, ok? Just stop for a sec!”

Ianto looked up, hurt. “I thought…I mean, you don’t….I just…”

“Hey, hey, hang on,” Jack soothed, cupping Ianto’s face. “I want you, believe me. But I promised you a date first, remember?”

Ianto frowned and began undoing his trousers. “Don’t care. Want sex now.”

“Hey! Ianto! Stop, ok?” Jack yelled. It took every ounce of strength Jack had to re-zip Ianto’s trousers. “I thought we were gonna try something new? Date first, then have sex?”

Ianto sighed and rolled his eyes. “Jack, that was all well and good in the office complex, but it’s been six months and two weeks since we’ve had sex. It’s not 1890 and I’m not a prude. I can, and have, many, many, many, times, had sex with you without going on a date. Now let go of my zip and let’s do it!”

Jack started chuckling at Ianto’s intense expression. Then, seeing Ianto’s face fall, he started guffawing. The whole situation was insane. Here, Jack Harkness, International Sex God Extraordinaire, was turning down Ianto Jones, the man who propositions with a stopwatch.

It took a glass of water in his face before Jack finally stopped laughing. As he wiped the water from his eyes, he sighed. “I want to have sex with you, Ianto. Believe me, I want to. But I want to do this first. Please? One date, dinner, maybe a movie? Something nice and romantic, just you and me and no rift alarms or end of the world? I just want something nice and normal.”

Ianto shifted on the desk, his knees starting to ache. He’d forgotten how unforgiving the wood could be since the last time. He should have remembered; he’d had the bruises for weeks after.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes. He could tell this meant a lot to Jack.

“Ok, fine. A date.”

Jack grinned. “Great! I’ll make reservations for tonight! Why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off and make yourself pretty?”

Ianto nodded. “Yeah, ok,” he said sullenly.

“Hey,” Jack crooned, stroking Ianto’s hair. “What’s wrong?”

Ianto looked down at the rather impressive lump in his trousers. He seemed so sad and forlorn that Jack couldn’t help but offer.

“Hey, I know I said to wait until the date for sex, but maybe I could give you something to tide you over?”

Ianto’s eyes lit up. “Oh really?” he purred. “And what would that be?”

“Off the desk. Pull your trousers and briefs down and sit on the chair,” Jack instructed, standing and moving to help Ianto down.

As Ianto settled himself in, Jack dropped to his knees. He needed little help setting Ianto’s erect penis free. After a moment or two of just gazing, Jack risked a look up at Ianto’s face. The young man was confused and concerned.

“Jack?” he asked softly, stroking a hand through Jack’s hair. “You ok?”

“Yeah…It’s just…You’re beautiful,” Jack sighed. And he wasn’t lying. He knew this cock well, had thought of it often while in the bowels of the Valiant. Those memories had gotten him through months of torture and death. Months of being covered in blood and sweat and dirt and puke and piss. Months of just dreaming for this cock and this man and a nice warm bathtub. But nothing compared to actually having it here, in front of him, for him to touch, stroke, and fondle.

“Um, ok. Thank you,” Ianto said, clearly uncomfortable with the praise.

Jack smiled and sighed theatrically. “Would you like me to give you a hand with this, Mr. Jones?” He laughed outright when Ianto nodded enthusiastically.

Taking a deep breath, Jack began his Worship Of The Penis. He lovingly stroked Ianto to full erection while nuzzling the man’s crotch. He ran his tongue around Ianto’s cock and balls, sucking and humming around each sac. Ianto moaned his name, begging for him to hurry up and do it already, but Jack was having fun. He blew lightly on Ianto’s tip, running a finger from the root up, watching and smiling as Ianto began leaking.

Bending up to place a line of kisses from belly button to crotch, Jack continued to stroke Ianto, reveling in how the other man could barely keep his hips still. Moving his hands to hold Ianto down, Jack smirked as he took Ianto in his mouth. He loved the feeling of sucking on Ianto, loved how he could run his tongue along the penis and elicit such noises. He slowly began working up a rhythm, reducing Ianto to nothing but Oh God Jack and Please Jack and Soon Jack. As Jack lifted his gaze, he saw Ianto. Head thrown back, sweat beginning to bead on his brow, the desk lights behind him giving him an ethereal glow, Jack was suddenly struck by how glad he was to have come back. At first, he had considered Gwen, but all thoughts of Gwen were banned and Ianto wrapped his legs around Jack’s abdomen and squeezed.

Ianto glanced down to see Jack staring adoringly up at him. He threaded his fingers in Jack’s hair and grabbed hold of his scalp. He tried to buck his hips, desperately trying to fuck Jack’s mouth, but Jack held him firm. His whole experience, his entire thought process was reduced to this, to holding out for as long as possible. And then Jack started humming around his cock, and damn that man, but he could hum.

Jack felt Ianto’s balls constrict and he loosened his throat. Ianto screamed out obscenities as he came, Jack drinking every last drop of come he could. Ianto collapsed back into the chair, unable to do anything but ride out the orgasm high. Jack trailed a line of kisses from Ianto’s spent cock, up his chest and neck, sucking and leaving a mark just under Ianto’s ear.

“That was nice,” Ianto finally slurred.

“Nice?” Jack asked, incredulous. “I just gave you an amazing blow job and all you have to say is nice?!”

Ianto chuckled. “It wasn’t sex, but it will tide me over. Thank you.”

Jack sat back on his heels and shook his head. “I will never understand you.” He ran a hand through his hair and chuckled. “Right then, Mr. Jones. Home with you. Get cleaned, get changed, and get ready, because tonight I’m showing you the town!”

Ianto snorted as Jack fixed his briefs, trousers, and belt. “I grew up here and work in a tourist office. There’s very little you can show me that I don’t already know about.”

Jack helped him stand and walked him out to the cog door. He placed a chaste kiss to Ianto’s lips, then winked a not-so-chaste wink. “Just you wait, Jones, Ianto Jones. You haven’t seen this city till you’ve seen it Harkness Style!”

“Duw, “Ianto muttered as the door rolled open. “What shall I wear then? Just the tie?”

Jack’s eyes darkened as he remembered those nights. He shook his head to clear the images of Ianto, silk restraints, and the pleading. Oh how he loved hearing that pleading in those vowel. “Surprise me,” he leered.

As Ianto exited the Tourist Office and headed over to his car, he had enough sense to call Tosh and ask her to pick up Starbucks on the way back. Date night or no date night, no way Torchwood goes an afternoon without coffee. As he sat behind the wheel and turned the key in the ignition, his stomach dropped.

“Shit!” he cried, banging a hand on the dash. “What the hell does one wear on a date with Jack Harkness?!” He quickly hit the speed-dial on his mobile for Tosh. Absolutely no way Owen finds out about this. He’d never live it down. With a promise from Tosh to meet him at the shops after she dropped off Owen and Gwen, he took a few (not so) calming breaths and drove off, trying to convince himself that this wasn’t an absolute disaster in the making.
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