New Year's at the Palace - Day 2.3 (of 3) - After The Party - 18

Jan 25, 2009 09:48

Once the cab fare had been paid (albeit with an extra bit to get the driver to go faster damnit, to Hell with the traffic laws!, Jack bundled Ianto through the hotel lobby, their shoes squeeking on the pale tile, causing the few still-sober guests to glance over in suprise. Ianto laughed as Jack kept pushing the lift button, demanding the damn thing to move faster! He'd finally had enough of waiting (Jack, not Ianto. Ianto could out-wait the end of the universe if he tried), so he pushed Ianto into the emergency staircase. He swatted Ianto's behind as Ianto teased him by slowly walking up the stairs. At the first landing, Jack pushed Ianto against the wall, plundering his mouth. He slid one hand beneath Ianto's trousers, grasping Ianto's cock and smiling devilishly as Ianto gasped in his mouth.

Jack pulled back, still stoking Ianto. He rested his other hand on Ianto's neck pulling their foreheads together.

"Three more flights, Jones. Three more. Get. Up. The damn. Stairs!"

Ianto arched as Jack rubbed his tip. "Yes Sir!" He breathed. "Oh god, yes please Sir!"

Had Ianto been paying attention, he'd have been shocked by how fast he climbed the stairs, taking the steps two or three at a time. Apparently sleeping with the Captain was good for one's speed. In so many, many ways.

When Ianto and Jack finally reached the room door, both out of breath and panting, Jack pulled Ianto to stop him from going in. He pulled Ianto close for a deep kiss, sliding fingers through Ianto's soft, downy hair.

"Open the door slowly, ok?" he asked Ianto.

Iant glared at him. "What have you done?"

"Just do it," Jack sighed. "Trust me for once."

Ianto snorted. "Right." He slid the keycard into the lock and slowly pushed the door open. What he saw had him stop in suprise.

Ianto wasn't necessarily a romantic person. He could be attentive to a lover's need, but romance wasn't something he himself demanded. And he certainly hadn't expected anything like this from Jack. Then again, knowing that Jack had to live through the era of courting, he probably shouldn't have been suprised.

Somehow, Jack had managed to convince the hotel staff to change the room from it's normal opulent niceties to one of passion. It was just this side of slutty, just this side of a porn movie, just this side of perfect.

The lights were off. On every available surface, tiny votive candles sparkled. A real fire warmed the room from the corner, the only sounds being the crackle of the logs. The air was scented with jasmine, and the bed, that wonderful king-sized bed, was turned down. And there, on the headboard, two sets of handcuffs sparkled.

"Jack..." Ianto began, turning around to look at everything.

Jack stepped in front of Ianto and put a finger on his lips. "Don't ok? Don't say it's too much, don't ask why. Just accept it."

"But..." Ianto tried again.

Jack sighed. "I knew that would be too easy. You're damn hard work, you know."

Jack dropped his finger and caressed Ianto's neck. "I know I'm hard to be with, believe me I know. And I don't know what we are to each other. All I know is that you are more than just a part-time shag for me, ok? And for once, I wanted to show you."

"Thank you," Ianto said. "But Jack, I don't need all this, really. I'm not some lovestruck girl."

Jack chuckled. "Well thank god we cleared that up, cause our other nights left me confused. I know you don't need it, but every once in a while it's nice to be courted. And it was fun for me too. Don't go ruining this, please?"

Ianto sighed and nodded. Jack's grin grew as he pulled Ianto to the thick rug by the fire. Jack grabbed a pillow and tossed it to the floor.

"I've got an hour and a half," Jack said as he pointed to Ianto's trouser. "I'm gonna make use of it all. Take 'em all off and lay down on your stomach."

Ianto raised an eyebrow, but decided to go with it as Jack rummaged through one of the bedside tables. He cheered in triumph as he found the massage oil.

"Um, Jack," Ianto called from the floor. Jack glanced over at Ianto, and was dumbstruck. There, on the plush carpeting, head pillowed by the downy cushion, the firelight danced off Ianto's pale skin. Ianto's back muscled rippled as he half rose to his feet. "What are you doing?"

Jack held up the massage oil and sauntered over. "Just lay down and close your eyes," he said as wrapped a blindfold around Ianto's eyes. Ianto nodded, suprised. He and Jack had never done this, this softness. They were fast fucks in the store cupboard, hard fucks against the desk, long, tortuous games in the bunker. Never this, though. This was new and slightly disconcerting. But Ianto was not one to turn down a massage, so he closed his eyes and sighed a the warm oil was dribbled down the center of his back.

Jack dipped a finger in the oil and traced the curves of Ianto's muscles. He sighed inwardly as he began tracing the lines left by scars, mentally ranting at how this could have happened to someone so young. Once the oil was spread, he began working the muscle, starting with Ianto's neck. He pushed his fingers into the skin, pulling and pushing and rubbing at the knots. The sounds Ianto made as Jack loosened knots he didn't even know he had were practically orgasmic. They certainly had Jack responding. Ianto smiled as he felt Jack's tip rise beneath his trousers. Then Jack undid a particularly deep knot and all thought flew from Ianto's mind.

Moving to Ianto's upper arms, Jack slowly worked out all the tension, chuckling as Ianto relaxed and pressed himself into the carpet. Ianto turned his face to the side and Jack could just make out the hint of a smile on his lips. It was too hard for Jack to resist. Bending fully over Ianto, Jack stretched to kiss and lick just beneath his ear. He nibbled at the lobe, his tongue tracing the lines of Ianto's ear. He smirked as Ianto arched and pushed Ianto's hips back to the floor.

"Not yet," Jack whispered. "You don't come till midnight, hear me?"

Ianto just nodded. "Don't stop," he begged.

Jack chuckled as he straightened again. "Just give me a sec."

Ianto whimpered at the loss of Jack's warmth as Jack shuffled away. He heard zippers and buckles as Jack quickly undressed and sighed in pleasure when Jack went back to sitting on his thighs.

"Not going anywhere yet," Jack said as he moved his hands to Ianto's lower back. Throughout the rest of the massage, Ianto floated on a high. His entire world was reduced to feeling Jack against his skin, hearing Jack's moans complement his own, feeling Jack's cock as it slowly enlarged and bumped against his hips, his ass, his legs.

Then, before he knew it, Jack was laid out, stetched on top of Ianto. Jack rocked forward and back, pressing his cock between Ianto's thighs, the tip poking, begging entrance. Ianto pushed back and turned to his side so that he and Jack spooned on the carpet. Jack reached over, grasping Ianto's cock and stroking it to fullness.

"Jack, please. Please, Jack," Ianto begged. "Please don't stop."

Jack removed his hand and trailed the line of Ianto's chest hair up to Ianto face. He slowly pushed his fingers into Ianto's mouth. Ianto sucked greedily, anything to make Jack hurry. It had been a whole 24 hours since they'd fucked, after all. There was only so long a man could wait.

Jack took his hand from Ianto's mouth and traced circles on his stomach. "Not stopping," he reassured Ianto. "Just moving to another venue. On the bed."

Ianto nodded as he shakily stood. Jack held his arm as he led him over to the bed. He pushed Ianto down on his back. Sitting on Ianto's stomach, he reached up to restrain Ianto's hands with the handcuffs.

Just before closing the first cuff, Jack stopped. "Ok?" he asked. "Cuffs are ok?"

Ianto nodded.

"I need to hear it, Ianto," Jack reminded him. "You need to say it."

"Yes, god yes," Ianto said. He smiled. "Haven't used them in a while."

Jack chuckled as he moved to the other hand. "I know, you weren't exactly pleased with them last time, remember?."

Ianto snorted and raised an eyebrow beneath the blindfold. "It was a week after the Beacons."

Jack smiled. "You've come a long way since then. Just relax, yeah? What's your word in case they're too much?"


"Wales? Seriously, you're gonna lay there and think of Wales?"

Ianto shrugged as best he could. "You won't be doing your job if it comes up in conversation, will you? "

Jack laughed. "Fine then. Wales. Bastard"

Once Ianto's arms were restrained, Jack tightened the blindfold and moved to tie his feet. He wanted Ianto to submit himself fully, to let Jack take him places he'd never experienced before. Tonight was about seeing fireworks, literally and figuratively.

When he'd finished with the restraints, Jack reached beneath the bed and pulled out a long feather. He bent up to kiss Ianto deeply, one hand working Ianto's nipples. Soon they were hard little nubs. Jack bent down, licking and nipping at each. He trailed his tongue down Ianto's chest, nuzzzling the line of hair. When he reached the concave area below the rib cage, he started suckling, marking Ianto.

Ianto gasped and arched. He was held down by the restraints, and could do nothing but lay still as Jack had his way. Jack's tongue and mouth continued moving south, lickin and sucking at the line where Ianto's legs met his hips.

"Duw Jack! Just...just..please!" Ianto begged as he rubbed his cock against Jack's cheek for friction.

Jack pulled back. "Not yet!" he said harshly. Ianto stilled as he apologized.

"It's alright. You're forgiven this time. But you don't come till I say so," Jack commanded, lightly smacking Ianto's cock with his hand. "Try it again and I'll get the cock ring out."

Ianto nodded.

Jack trailed the feather down Ianto's chest, leaving just the tip against Ianto's oversentitive skin. Even that, despite how small it was, burned. Jack followed the lines with his tongue. Slowly, achingly slowly, he moved the feather down. He slid it between Ianto's cheeks, sliding it up and down, smiling as Ianto begged in Welsh for more. Jack shuffled to the side and lubed his fingers. The restraints held Ianto's legs open, providing perfect access. Jack touched his pointer to the tip of Ianto's hole, just holding it there. Ianto's thighs tensed and relaxed, tensed and relaxed, as he prepared himself.

"Please, Jack," he begged again. For the first time, Jack obliged.

Slowly, carefully, pushing his pointer in, Jack stretched the muscle, secretly pleased with how easily Ianto's body welcomed him. Listening for Ianto's moans, he pulled back, trailing his fingertip and nail along the top of Ianto passage. He added a second finger, then a third. He bent and twisted, massaging Ianto from the inside, stroking Ianto's prostate.

Ianto knew nothing but pleasure and desire now. Each time Jack's fingers moved another burst of pleasure flew through his mind. His closed eyes saw colors, flashes of reds and golds across his eyelids. He strained against the restraints, trying to fuck himself on Jack's fingers, but he could barely move. His breath came in harsh gasps, doing everything he could to hold back. Jack had ordered midnight, and Ianto wasn't going to fail him now. He jumped and moaned in displeasure as Jack removed his hand completely.

Jack lifted himself up to whisper in Ianto's ear. "10 more minutes," he said softly. "Are you ready for me?"

"Jack," Ianto said. "Jack....Jack....Jack..." All Ianto could do was whisper his name over and over, a benediction, a prayer, a demand.

Jack quickly untied Ianto's right leg and lifted it over his shoulder, sliding a pillow beneath his hips. He coated his own, heavily leaking, cock with lube. He bent his head, licking the slit of Ianto's cock, sucking the pre-come and tasting the salty sweetness that was his lover. Ianto gasped and gritted his teeth.

Jack lined his cock up with Ianto's entrance, leaving the tip against the hole.

"Ready?" he asked, so softly Ianto might have imagined it. He sheathed himself in one thrust. Holding still, he reached up to stroke Ianto's sweaty brow. "Thank you," he said brokenly. "So good, Ianto. So warm. Thank you."

"Jack," Ianto breathed again. "Sir, please....please...Start Jack, please...don't hold back."

Jack kissed Ianto's thigh. "Ok."

Jack pulled almost completely out before he pushed back. He twisted his hips to reach Ianto's prostate, crying out himself as Ianto begged for more. He built up a rhythm, soft and deep, balls hitting against Ianto's skin, Ianto's cock bouncing with the force. Ianto clenched around Jack in time to Jack's thrusts, and Jack was soon thrusting erractically. He grabbed Ianto's cock, using the precome as lube, stroking and petting. He slid his fingertip into Ianto's slit. His other hand braced on Ianto's hip.

"Ianto...Ianto...Ianto..." Jack chanted. " Ianto"

Just as the clock on the wall struck midnight, just before the fireworks began, Ianto clenched once, twice, thrice, around Jack's cock, and Jack came deep and hard. The feeling of Jack pulsing inside him combined with the knowledge that he had held off, that he had done as Jack commanded, sent Ianto over the edge. His own come spilled over, flowing against Jack's chest, coating him in a sheen of pale white.

Jack collapsed against Ianto. Both men floated on an orgasm high. Jack recovered first, risking a look at Ianto's blissed-out face. He smiled as the fireworks lit colors on Ianto's sweaty skin. His spent cock slid out easily and he quickly untied Ianto's other leg and removed the pillow. He moved to the headboard, removing the handcuffs and rubbing Ianto's shoulders.

Ianto came back as Jack settled down against him.

"Jack," he whispered. "Thank you."

"Any time," Jack grinned. "Literally, any time. Next budget meeting even."

Ianto snorted and rolled onto his side to face Jack. "Roll over," he said nudging Jack.

Jack agreeded, humming happily, twisting till he was spooned against Ianto's chest. Ianto slid one arm under Jack's head, kissing below his ear, kissing his neck, kissing his shoulder, kissing anything within reach. Restraints were certainly fun, but Ianto liked to reciprocate during sex.

He moved the other hand to stroke Jack's cock. He knew Jack, knew that, despite being an interstellar playboy, even Jack needed recovery time. Still, it soothed Ianto to stroke him, and, by the sounds Jack was making, it soothed Jack as well.

"Sleep for a while," Ianto suggested, licking the inside of Jack's ear. "Then we'll shower."

Jack 'hmmed'. "Shower sex?" he yawned.

Ianto laughed. "My turn then. You had your fun."

"Promises promises," Jack teased sleepily.

"Hush," Ianto crooned. "Sleep. Happy New Year Jack."

"Happy New Year Ianto."

Ianto closed his eyes, moving his hand up to stroke Jack's chest.

They slept.
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