The one fucking percent

Aug 05, 2015 17:24

Corporate Fat Cats and the power structure they support are keeping us blaming each other for the state of the economy. If you don't get this by now, you deserve to lose everything they are about to take from you. We all need to stop blaming people who are not responsible for creating problems for creating all our problems.

Let me "should" here for a minute...Minimum wage SHOULD be $15, and ALL pay should go up just as equally across the board...including yours. Healthcare should not cost ANYONE anything; the price structure of Obamacare has a built in resentment factor when some get it free but others have to pay even more than before. Black lives DO matter, and blacks have a justified reason for DEMANDING respect from the rest of us. BULLETS kill people, and every time they do, someone who is not in the 1% dies, and someone who IS in the 1% makes a profit. And speaking of bullets, you SHOULD need to show ID to buy them, and you SHOULD have to register each and every gun out there. Planned Parenthood DOES help women escape poverty that comes from having unwanted pregnancies. Immigrants NEED a place to BE to get away from the hell they came from. Our public school teachers can only do their jobs WELL if they have the right resources. Parents can only be good parents if they don't have to work 80 hours a week. Why are we blaming these people for the condition of our society when they are all VICTIMS of corporate FAT CATTING.

Please stop looking to your neighbors to find the problem. There is no fucking way that anyone who has less power than you has caused any of these problems. Please, for the love of all things good and kind, THINK THAT THROUGH. No, really, look at the fucking logic of that. One lonely poor sad ass-dragging individual human lugging around all of her possessions in a backpack on public transit cannot cause anywhere NEAR the problems that one loaded corporate dickhead in a limousine can.

As long as those on the top keep us pointing fingers at each other, THEY have control, power, and your financial freedom in their back pocket. They own the media, they tailor the message. They own the banks, they control the finances. They control food production and distribution. They control the electricity and the water that flows into your home. They could, at any time, decide to cut us all off and make us grovel at their feet. And we would blame the dude next door for causing the 1% to hate us.

I'm not gonna get all squishy and say "don't hate anyone." Because hating is a human frailty, just like falling down easily. To hate someone is to reject the pain they have caused you. What I will say is "direct that hate toward the appropriate individual...not your neighbor.
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