Does Anyone Have Time to Beta a Story for Me???

Apr 22, 2015 07:37

I'm trying to get my writing brain working again and decided maybe doing something with original characters would work, since my fandom inspiration has fizzled out. There was a writing challenge going on at Goodreads with Prompts and Pictures and i picked one that really called to me. The deadline is April 30, (EIGHT DAYS AWAY) and i'm still ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

tmn1966 April 22 2015, 14:44:46 UTC
Oooooh!!! I can see why this called to you.

I would love to help you out with this, I could start on it this evening. I understand though if you have someone else that can begin working on it immediately.

ETA: forgot my email:


sienata April 22 2015, 15:56:55 UTC
i sent you an email. thanks so much!!!!!


annabirmingham April 22 2015, 18:19:12 UTC
Just got your message and would love to help - check your email! X


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