Does Anyone Have Time to Beta a Story for Me???

Apr 22, 2015 07:37

I'm trying to get my writing brain working again and decided maybe doing something with original characters would work, since my fandom inspiration has fizzled out. There was a writing challenge going on at Goodreads with Prompts and Pictures and i picked one that really called to me. The deadline is April 30, (EIGHT DAYS AWAY) and i'm still grinding away on this story that is only vaguely like what the prompter requested. GRRRRRRRR

But anyway, i'm determined to turn in something and the Goodreads People require that your story be beta'd, so i was wondering if anyone out there has time to read something for me. I'm currently sitting at about 21K words and will probably have another 10K. At this point, it's too late for me to do anything if the story is boring or stupid, but i could fix typos or plot issues or even cut out something that's too long and rambly if it was brought to my attention.

So i'm not looking for anything too strict or stingent, but just a good read-through to let me know if there is anything glaringly amiss. Annabirmingham wrote for the challenge last year and she offered to beta for me this year, but it's getting down to the wire and she's not writing this year because she's too busy, so she may or may not have time to read. I'm hoping someone out there will have some free time and be able to do it without a major inconvenience.

Here's the prompt, so you'll know what you're getting into. One of the characters gets raped. According to the prompt, i should've written the story from that character's (Deacon's) POV, but for some reason i couldn't, so it's from the other character's(Tucker's) POV instead.


Dear Author,

I’ve been hurt badly. In my first month away from home, enjoying new found independence on my collage campus, I was brutally raped by a stranger. I had barely begun my homosexual exploration, kissing and some hand jobs, with a few men who were also experimenting, when it happened 7 years ago. I have not been able to enjoy sexual relations with another man ever since. It has affected every one of my romantic relationships and I am sick and tired of being alone and afraid. I have decided to ask my best friend, a man I first met in junior high and trust with ever part of my being, to help me overcome my fear of intimacy and sex. Yes, he is straight, but his love for me is strong and he suffers along with me when my fears arise. My hope is that he can help me, taking baby steps, enjoy the wonders of sex by touching me and loving me. I know that it will hurt when our intimate time together is over, but I’m not going to think about that right now. I need the overwhelming dread and fear of other men stricken from my mind before I can worry about anything else.

GFY, hurt/healing/comfort, no cheating, emotional sex as hot as fire and a HEA. I’d like to see these MCs well matched and versatile in the bedroom. I leave everything else up to up, my dearest author.



Me again: if anyone is available to read this for me, please comment here or message me with your email address and i'll send it to you asap. Like I said,because of time constraints I can't rework the story much, but i'd appreciate any typos or ideas for small changes that might make it better.

Thanks. S!


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