Brokeback Mountain Got Me Good

Oct 13, 2014 21:28

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Comments 17

samtyr October 14 2014, 02:51:12 UTC
I guess if I ever thought about it at all, I thought Jack was just putting on a 'tough guy' act; after all, Ennis was a very unknown quantity who might be one of those who automatically fight to see who will be 'boss'. Sort of a "wanna fight? I'm ready" type thing. And I imagine Jack had to do plenty of fighting in the school yard simply to prove himself because that's what often happened back then. (Also, if he didn't stand up/fight at school, he would probably get a whipping at home for being a 'sissy'. He'd probably get a whipping for fighting too but probably not as bad as if he backed down from a fight...)


sienata October 14 2014, 03:08:11 UTC
i kinda thought that too... that maybe he was making a preemptive strike of manliness... somehow when i watch it with my eyes wide open, however, i see more of a preening peacock than i think they planned. maybe its just cuz i've watched it so often??


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whiskiegurl October 25 2014, 17:21:43 UTC
He was definitely putting the goods on display! (I still love it/them too!)


tizi17 October 14 2014, 09:06:52 UTC
a great idea.. because he** yes, still after all this time i think about this film, in our forum ennisjack people still discuss points and issues...
what this film has done to me... ;-)
to us i guess!!
my little thought to that scene is that it's a jake g. pose, he has them sometimes, and his typical way of walking; and yes, trying to be the "tough guy", maybe.


whiskiegurl October 25 2014, 17:25:24 UTC
Jill (mrs spamlad) said the same thing. I definitely seems more Jakeish than Jackish to me, especially considering Jacks personality in the rest of the movie


rosestem October 14 2014, 15:30:17 UTC
Jack walks toward Ennis as if to go introduce himself: Ennis won't even look at him. I interpret Jack's next moves as 1) spreading his arms claim ground -- you don't own this turf (opposit of Ennis) and 2) preening for Ennis. It doesn't seem out of character to me because Jack is pretty reckless.


whiskiegurl October 25 2014, 17:28:00 UTC
I guess the reason it seems off to me is cuz Jack isn't forward or pushy again, at least not until their relationship is somewhat established. He's a whole different guy an hour later when he introduces himself.


red2blue October 15 2014, 16:47:53 UTC
I share samtyr's view. In my understanding of J's character (as portrayed by JG) he is more self-aware than E (maybe even fully): he knows who he is and what he likes, he's aware that he is a softie (recall J's face when he smiles into the side of E's head in the scene of their reunion in the motel) and was beaten for that; so he fought and rode bulls to prove that he was a tough guy. E doesn't need to prove anything--he is and looks rough and tough, nobody doubts it. So I think what J is doing here is trying to show upfront that he is a toughie too; his strategy is 'offense is the best defense'. It reminds me of films where you see slums youngsters glaring, sneering and challenging strangers who wander into their territory. Just one of those things 'tough guys' do I guess ;)


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