My Fic Sticky!!

Sep 04, 2020 22:26

My List of Completed BBM Fanfics, plus a couple (as in TWO FOUR NOW!!) SPN Fics!

I did not include mention of WIP’s here. There are several lurking around in my journals. I do not have any current plans to finish them. If I do, it will be a nice surprise for me and maybe for some of you too. For now, here’s what I’ve got.

One-shots - all my one- ( Read more... )

fic sticky

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Comments 28

tizi17 September 5 2011, 06:33:07 UTC
wow thanks, this is great!


sienata September 5 2011, 08:01:47 UTC
you're welcome. :)


tmn1966 September 5 2011, 09:29:46 UTC
Awesome! It's a daunting task, I know, but I'm glad you did it. Also makes me want to go back and re-read a bunch of 'em. :)

Sorry to see you're feeling sad. I hope you're feeling better today. *hugs*


sienata September 5 2011, 16:33:12 UTC
It was daunting, but then when i got started it wasn't that hard. having things tagged really helped. plus the fact that i didn't include unfinished things!! that cut my list in half. ugh.

oh well, i'm glad for what i did get finished, and i'm not dead yet, so maybe i'll have another The End to type someday.

i hope you're having a good day. i am looking forward to your j2 fic. :)


lara_pinta September 5 2011, 09:52:21 UTC
It's a pretty impressive list.


sienata September 5 2011, 16:33:45 UTC
thank you! maybe i'll be able to add some more stuff some day. i really hope my writing isn't done for good.


annabirmingham September 5 2011, 12:30:40 UTC
That's great! I think there may even be a couple of BBM fics in there I haven't read *is shocked*
Thanks for the links
Anna x


sienata September 5 2011, 16:35:10 UTC
you're welcome. it's mostly for the stragglers who find their way here, but hey, if it brings to light something new, then yay!


trekfan September 5 2011, 15:24:33 UTC
Thanks so much for the list. I do wish you'd go back and finish that story where Ennis was a Fed Ex worker and Jack was a handyman (HANDy wink wink)

Hey doesn't hurt to ask :D

hope you had a great holiday weekend



sienata September 5 2011, 16:37:30 UTC
hey linda. that was AKL. i actually tried to finish that and couldn't get my head into it at all. i reread alse too, hoping to finish it, but nothing. i dunno if i'm just too far away from how i felt in those days or what exactly is wrong. i have another very long story that i'm 2/3rds the way thru, and i'd really love to finish it. you haven't read anything except the first chapter - it's the one where Heath is a lawyer. au-rps. i also have another j/e that i'd like to finish that yall haven't seen. so maybe someday i'll get another one done. we'll see.

happy labor day!! :)


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