My Fic Sticky!!

Sep 04, 2020 22:26

My List of Completed BBM Fanfics, plus a couple (as in TWO FOUR NOW!!) SPN Fics!

I did not include mention of WIP’s here. There are several lurking around in my journals. I do not have any current plans to finish them. If I do, it will be a nice surprise for me and maybe for some of you too. For now, here’s what I’ve got.

One-shots - all my one-shots are located here unless they have a separate link:
A Hot Summer’s Night - Jack’s AC goes out and Ennis comes to fix it. In the middle of the night.
A Love Letter & Another Love Letter - I’m not sure what these are about, tbh.
A Secret Kind of Love - High school J/E AU.
At Death’s Cold, Hard Door - a BBM/Star Trek crossover. 2300 words. Capt. del Mar and Mr. Twist face the end. Oh wait…
Doctor/Patient Privilege - J/E AU where Ennis is a doctor who Jack sees when he begins to have erectile dysfunction.
Life Changes - AU where Jack is a bit older, going through a divorce, and meets Ennis at a sidewalk café. Ennis is wearing sandals - Jack is intrigued and invites him home.
Love in Black and White - AU where Jack is a wealthy businessman who takes to spending time at Ennis’s art gallery.
Playing for Keeps - an AU where Ennis is a shopkeeper and Jack is the late delivery driver who bargains for a spanking to keep his job.
Upside Down - a BWBB drabble, but you don’t have to read BWBB to read this. 2600 words. Involves consensual spanking and toys.
Whiskey Spring - Canon, Ennis deals with Jack’s death. WC 1180
Yours for an Hour - college AU: Ennis is a bit of an asshole, Jack is a shy store-clerk. They hook up.

A Love from Down Under - an AKL-based AU. (AKL is not complete, but it isn’t relevant to this story) Jack’s a Mr. Fixit, Ennis is a pilot, and the story is set in Nashville. Ennis has just moved to town after living in Australia for several years. Warning: This story has a very sappy ending. WC: 12-15K?
Goin’ Fishin’ - Jack and Ennis are co-workers who leave their families behind for a weekend of fishing in the mountains. Complete but open-ended.
The Preacher’s Son - Teenage J/E au. Jack’s in trouble for smoking. Ennis watches, then feels guilty. Warning: spanking. WC: ?? 10K maybe?

Novel-length stories.
Alone - RPS featuring Jake at/after Heath’s passing. Maybe 10-15K words.
Best Friends Forever - an epically long teenage AU where J/E fall in love their senior year in high school. This story is hundreds of thousands of words and covers about 3 months in their life. Then there is an epilogue.
There are some BFF Future Tension episodes which cover events after the main story. They are in no particular order. Many of these stories involve spanking.
Living Memories are future events that don’t involve tension. There are only a couple.
Boys In Love - RPS, my first story!! Jake and Heath fall in love while filming Brokeback Mountain. WC: 50K maybe?
Boys of Blue Ridge - An AU!RPS - Jake and Heath are not actors but college students at UNC at Asheville. They meet in theater class when they get cast to play the leads in the college production of Brokeback Mountain.  WC: 75K maybe?? No clue.
Boys Will Be Boys - an AU!AU teenage J/E story told from Jack’s POV. This story gets a little weird early on with bathroom activities, so don’t read if that squicks you. That aspect of the story does wind down about a third of the way in. No official word count, but I’d guess at least 75K, including the epilogue.
Looking Back - an AU!AU J/E story, told from Ennis’s POV. The story is just what the title says, Ennis reminiscing about their life. It begins when he and Jack first meet back in 1983 and continues on, hopefully, to current day. Warning: child abuse. 236K+ words
Love Letters to You - Yet another high school AU!AU starring J/E. This is a drabble story, heavy on the sweet with a bit of angst at the end, some love scenes but nothing graphic. 21K words.
Meeting You Halfway - Canon, taking up after their last big fight. WC: 15K?
Photograph - AU where Jack and Ennis were BF’s in high school and college, but went their separate ways when Jack got called up to play pro baseball. They reunite at their 10 year HS reunion. WC: 100K+

Supernatural One-Shots:

A Good Hard Eight (J2) - In which Jensen is cold and bitchy and horny, and Jared takes it all in stride, because he's just that awesome. WC: 1500

When a Hallmark Card Just Isn’t Enough (J3) - Jensen suggests to Jared that they do something special for Jeff's last week on set. Jared comes up with a few boring gift ideas, but when Jensen doesn't go for any of them, because - hello, boring! - Jared eventually comes up with something that isn't boring. It takes some convincing, but he finally gets Jensen on board with the plan and Goodbyes soon ensue. WC:9000

Bound by a God of Loneliness (J2) - Jared's a priest. Jensen isn't. They both want something they can't have.

The Quintessence of Want (J2) - Jared's always wanted things. Sometimes he gets them. Sometimes he really fucks up.

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