you know, pop is totally not my type of movie at all. if he wasn't in it, i would be so not interested. however, i think - because it's a disney movie - that there shouldn't be a lot of cruelty or hatefulness (they even said in the review that he manages to avoid being hateful, so i'm good, right?) and as long as it's not too viciously violent, i should be ok.
i don't know what to hope for, not that it matters. i feel like if he gets sucked into a franchise, he will lose total control over his life. i feel like if it honks just enough to not get picked up for round 2, then he will have a second chance at being who he really is and not having to hide behind women. i understand why he needed to be with reese for all that time, or at least for a while, but i just wish that he could nhot have to do that anymore. i don't have any idea if you even think he's gay or not, but i'm sure you know that i do, and that's what i'm talking about. i feel like if he gets hooked into another POP movie, he'll just lose that many more years to corporate prejudice, and imo, that would suck. of course, how many years of my life have i squandered being stupid, so i have zero room to talk. :)
i don't know what to hope for, not that it matters. i feel like if he gets sucked into a franchise, he will lose total control over his life. i feel like if it honks just enough to not get picked up for round 2, then he will have a second chance at being who he really is and not having to hide behind women. i understand why he needed to be with reese for all that time, or at least for a while, but i just wish that he could nhot have to do that anymore. i don't have any idea if you even think he's gay or not, but i'm sure you know that i do, and that's what i'm talking about. i feel like if he gets hooked into another POP movie, he'll just lose that many more years to corporate prejudice, and imo, that would suck. of course, how many years of my life have i squandered being stupid, so i have zero room to talk. :)
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