Prince of Persia - Review

May 01, 2010 18:14

Hey guys. Just thought i'd pop in and say hi and give ya'll a little S! update and share this link.

I'm going to New York for the opening of POP, to see it with Jill. We'd wanted to go to Boston for the DC Gathering, but I'm going to Chicago with my mom the following week and so it just was too much at once. We are all twittery with excitement and have a kabillion plans. I'll be getting there on Thursday, May 27. She said that sometimes her theater does mid-night shows of new films, and we are hoping to get to go see POP on Thursday night at midnight, which will, technically, be the 28th, opening day.

I admit that for a while there, I really didn't have good feelings towards this movie and didn't care if it succeeded or not. The whole thing with Reese totally did a really bad number on my feelings for Jake (as you might have noticed! LOL) I went back through some of my posts about it last night, and OMG.... reading over them, I actually ended up feeling sorry for myself. It sucks when someone so uninvolved in your life can have such an impact. And there was absolutely nothing i could do. Maybe if i'd walked away from my stories and everything even remotely connected to him, i would've gotten over it sooner, but i just didn't have the courage to do that. And i didn't want to. I loved my stories and i loved writing. I hated to lose everything because of one (IMO) fake girlfriend.

Now, i guess i'm ok, but Jill sent me a text while i was playing golf yesterday that one of the mags was saying her new "romance" was already in trouble, and i totally lost my game for about 3 holes. I can't imagine they'd get back together again - surely she's burned that bridge totally to the ground - but nothing would surprise me. Ugh. Just thinking about it makes me want to hurl. SO no, i guess i'm not over it yet.

And i've decided i'm ok with that. We all get to be weird about something. He's my thing to be weird about. Oh well. I've been working really hard to build him back up to gay romantic hero status in my head, and i'm writing a story that me and Jill both like, so hopefully i'm getting my mojo back, at least a little bit. I'm sorry i inflicted all my drama on you guys the last couple of years. I know i damaged some friendships because of it, and that makes me sad. No matter what happens, I'll try not to do that anymore.

Anyway, so now i've gone from not giving a crap about the movie to being worried about it, because for every good thing i read, i read some bad stuff too. I found this review - it was posted just a day or so ago. It's very ho-hum, altho Jake does get good words. If anyone's interested, here it is.


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