snow, books, music: pleasures manifold

Jan 30, 2013 20:18

I do hate slogging through it, but snow is so pretty. We got a couple of fluffy inches of it blanketing everything and it softens the world and makes bare branches look stark and elegant.

Of course, getting it off your car is a royal pain.

I didn't end up quite finishing City of Diamond. it was weird, I was enjoying it and enjoying it and enjoying it and then just...stopped. I think that while I was more or less having fun with these people whose POVs I was sitting in, the pacing was so slow that all of a sudden I lost interest. I'll put it aside and maybe revisit it, because it did a lot of things really well, but I'm moving along to another book in the pile.

The music I've been listening to right now has all been centered on John Fullbright, an Oklahoma singer-songwriter whose stuff falls into what NPR notes is a blend of country, folk and rock. It falls pretty squarely into my HoneyHoney/Neko Case/Delta Rae/Damien Jurado brainspace. I'm also tentatively poking at The Lumineers and Of Monsters and Men, although I haven't bought anything beyond "Little Talks." It's all very hip of me, I guess, although my general purposes Spotify playlist encompasses a whole lot of stuff both cool and current and violently uncool and dated as all get out.

Wrestling with a few things, but I don't feel like talking about them at this point. I could use some hot chocolate with marshmallows, though. None in the house and I'm not putting on pants to venture out into the cold. There, now you have a vivid mental picture of me, pantsless. You're welcome.

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bits of happiness, music, books

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