Rereading and reading and rereading

Jan 25, 2013 20:22

Rereading The Hobbit as well as Fellowship of the Ring (it's funny reading them side by side, so to speak. Had forgotten how much I want to go live with Beorn. And now I want to go see the Hobbit again, just because. Heh. Actually, I know I'm invested, even if I didn't fall passionately in love with the movie, because I'm trolling Tumblr and came across this drawing (spoilery if you haven't read the book) and got all verklempt. Also, I don't know if I talk about it at all because it's primary purpose is to reblog things that make my sister or my husband laugh, but I do have a Tumblr here.

Reading City of Diamond, by Jane Emerson (aka the fabulous Doris Egan, whose Ivory books I so love). It's funny, I read a lot of fantasy and not as much science fiction, and it's been a while since I've been on a spaceship. I'm only about 75 pages in, but enjoying it a lot so far. Here's Jo Walton's take on the book.

I also have the Kindle holding Things Might Go Terribly, Horribly Wrong: A Guide to Life liberated from Anxiety which is something my therapist sent me when I told her I couldn't come back for a little while because I couldn't afford the co-payments, and did she have any recommendations for me to read while I was away? She sent me this book and a workbook called Get Out Of Your Mind & Into Your Life, which is good but which I haven't worked very deeply into yet. I'm also pausing my Susanna Kearsley reading, but have Winter Sea ready and waiting, and also I just picked up (for three bucks, I think) Jennifer Crusie's Crazy People: The Crazy For You Stories, which is her MFA set of stories featuring characters she used in Crazy For You. I am excite.

In other news I stayed home from work today because I felt punky and had some Incidents of Barf. I feel better now which I hope sticks because I have things I need to do this weekend, although they mostly involve sitting at a table and being nice to people - our dojo has a table at the local women's expo. Despite being home, I got a panel proposal turned in, by the skin of my teeth. Rarrr.

And in other, other news, one of the cats is farting vilely, and I can't figure out which one of them it is. It's bad enough that I'm surprised there isn't a visible green cloud.

Ratchet is indignant that I would ever accuse him of such a thing.

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fourfootfuzzy, photo, books

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