Tug of War

Jul 29, 2009 12:14

Last week, received call and letter from title company: There may be an issue with previous owner of condo of which I am the third owner.
Owner number 1 and 2 are mother and daughter, in that order.
When ownership was transferred from #1 to #2, something was not correctly filed, so when #2 sold to me, it technically was not hers to sell.
#1 is planning her estate and her lawyer has found this error and wants to include property in the will.
Lawyer to Title Company : #1 owns the title, not #2, sale not valid,  #1 wants it for estate
Title Company to me: #1 owns the title, not #2, sale not valid, #1 wants it for estate, you may need to vacate in 28 days until resolved.
Me to Title Company: I have title insurance, I'm not moving, where is #2?
Title Company to me Friday: Yes, you do have title insurance, might not need to vacate, be prepared, this might suck for a while (paraphrasing)

Title Insurance Company to me yesterday:
There could be a chance you are not the owner b/c of this situation,
There could be a chance you need to buy the title,
There could be a chance #1 could be a dick about it and ask from $1000 to $100,000 for it,
There could be a chance #1 could be human and yell at #2 for not seeing this and then sign it over to you,
There could be a chance #2 is liable for all this - I don't think #1 would sue her own daughter
There could be a chance you are the true owner and this will be fixed in about 2 to 6 weeks depending on who is around in the county offices. 
100% chance will pay ZERO for the legal and filing fees b/c have insurance. (Best $580 ever spent.)
#2 has been contacted and is being very very cool and helpful
If goes bad, could lose the condo but still have to pay the mortgage on it.
If goes good, an afternoon of signing and sharing mojito with #1 and #2.

After a week of "Holy fuckballs, circle up the wagons" and arming myself with knowledge and patience, all parties are being very helpful and as of today, we should have the final solution pretty quickly and #1 has already said if the title is indeed still in her name, she would gladly sign it over.

Would everyone please hold hands and join me in a sigh of relief and a hot tub sized margarita? Thank you.
[please notice there is no "P" in Margarita, so.... you know... in the hot tub....]

Lesson One  - get title insurance, trust me.

Lesson Two - don't, just don't dress your dog in WoW gear, no matter how cute it is. I mean, it is, but... poor doggie.

Lesson Three - Karma and Fate will with f*ck you, but sometimes they'll let you c*m. ;)

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