Dec 24, 2013 12:20
If you harm a chakra sufficiently, it can crack or break, or even be destroyed. This requires a fairly hefty investment of time or effort, but it happens all the time. Stress from war, low income, or other serious troubles can eventually lead to such destruction, as can outright assault by demons or harmful magic.
If you harm these chakras, you get these results:
* Crown: Anhilistite ("One who is already destroyed/nothing" [Greek]): appears as a tube or bag with hairs and simple eyes on one end, somewhat similar to a common rotifer, the form of a spirit with no structures. A spirit that doesn't have a nature anymore; cannot feed on others directly but can clog up the spirit body if it gets caught inside.
* Third eye: Ekthros ("Enemy" [Greek], plural Ekthroi): shadow fragment that doesn't know how to put itself together anymore; causes "discombobulation" and confusion, mental distress, and rearrangement of the spirit body, as well as inappropriate behaviors -- may try to copy (or spur the copying of) the behavior of other spirits/persons as a substitute for its own lack of knowledge.
* Throat: Hekanos ("The Cursed/Magicked" [Greek], plural Hekanoi) a spirit with limited/no will, which cannot manifest its desires anymore; is easily used as a puppet for others' intentions, and may attempt to carry out the will of others even when not desirable or intended.
* Heart: Wrath worm / wrothlind [Old/Middle English] (plural Wrothlinde): appears as a string of spheres, the form of an everted spirit body with its chakras on the outside. A spirit of anger and fear that has forgotten how to love; inspires anger and reactive action, often inspires paranoid behavior.
* Solar plexus: Nefilim ("Enemy" [Hebrew], plural Nefilim): shadow fragment that doesn't know who it is anymore; causes identity loss and misshapen spirit body -- may also try to copy, or spur the copying of, other spirits' forms as a substitute for proper self-identity.
* Navel/belly: Hateworm: appears as a smooth worm or serpent, the form of a spirit body drained of vitality. This spirit drains the strength from others to feed, but cannot use the power it has gathered except to make more hate; drains strength and disempowers its victims, who then behave violently and hatefully to maintain their sense of empowerment and personal control.
* Root: Soul leech: this blob-like shadow fragment cannot live on its own, and now drains the root of others to maintain its existence; causes the sufferer's life to drift off course and personal success to peter out, causes accomplishments to dry up and vanish.
* Tail body (dragons): The "Pain rat" ("e nar'ten", little ouch-beast, plural nar'ten'en), a spirit who cannot empathise with others anymore; destroys ability to empathise with others or relate to anyone sexually, causes pain in tail and sometimes lower back area.
* Wings (dragons/gryphons): The "Wing eater": this spirit has lost hope, and denies hope, exhilaration, and higher thoughts to others as it eats their wings away; causes the sufferer to lose their dreams and visions for themselves and the future.
There are others, from species that have a different chakra arrangement than the common linear/humanoid structure (squids and jellies, for example).
Amicus fatuus (the "False friend") is more like an infectious disease made of fragmented spirit-body bits, rather than a single spirit or significant fragment thereof. Fortunately, it is under control in the Earth realm thanks to some careful study and the wide distribution of a successful treatment method. It causes hallucinations, including false voices and mistaken visions, in order to break down its victim and cause the spirit to fall further under its control. This leads to inappropriate behavior and gradual degradation of the victim, almost always guaranteeing that another destructive entity soon joins in.