Who: Okita Souji
candyswords and Ukitake Jushirou
inukitakeWhat: Reunions
When: Night of 4/10, near midnight
Where: Teepee 50
Summary: Okita found out Jushirou was back. He's been hiding out at night to keep people from hearing him cough and Jushirou's coming to call.
Rating: ANGST, that is so a rating, bite it. :| Probably PG for now?
sometimes it feels like I could lose consciousness )
Comments 24
...But he was still a man of many weaknesses. And one of those weaknesses was the person he was treading so close to society to see...perhaps for the last time. He sighed as he entered the tent...but would not pull his cowl away. Not yet. His eyes caught what little light there was though, making it clear to Souji who he was.
"Your illness has gotten worse...," he said in a low, forlorn tone.
Finally gathering up the courage, Okita smiled up at the shrouded figure at the doorway. He hadn't needed to see the eyes to know who it was - only one person knew where he stayed at night and only one had that voice. "Sadness doesn't suit you, Jushirou-san," he said, holding out his hand. He knew this wasn't like their other meetings, but he couldn't help but try and maintain some false sense of security in pretending this was just any other day. "Come inside and close the door. Would you like something to drink? I have tea."
"Tea sounds nice...," Sogyo spoke as he moved to sit in front of Souji. He wanted to smile for the other man...but he could not find the will to force it. He could never be anything but himself before this man. It was part of the reason he had loved him...
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