Who: Okita Souji
candyswords and Ukitake Jushirou
inukitakeWhat: Reunions
When: Night of 4/10, near midnight
Where: Teepee 50
Summary: Okita found out Jushirou was back. He's been hiding out at night to keep people from hearing him cough and Jushirou's coming to call.
Rating: ANGST, that is so a rating, bite it. :| Probably PG for now?
After talking to Venom on the beach, Okita made his way back to Teepee 50. It was the furthest away from everyone, the only one left that wasn't surrounded by other people. He didn't know how much longer he could keep up this healthy facade - so many people already knew the truth anyway. He just didn't want them to see him, to really see how frail he was. He hated their eyes that held pity for him, eyes that saw sickness wearing human skin, not a person trying to survive. When they looked at him like that, he felt it grow stronger, felt the illness grow and twist inside him, eating his strength and his will. So he smiled at them, wishing they'd all just give up and ignore him and go away.
After all, he didn't want to hurt them when he finally disappeared.
Opening the flap of the strange hut, he stepped inside and closed it securely behind him. He'd made the bed earlier and set up his computer next to an empty basket. Beside that he had a pile of tissues he'd later drop into the giant hole. It was best not to leave evidence for anyone to find, not his roommate and definitely not Hijikata. Okita changed quickly into a lighter sleeping yukata and settled onto the bed. He couldn't sleep yet though. Not that he'd be able to even if he wanted.
Tonight, he had a visitor, someone who had left once and returned, but now refused to reveal himself to the other residents. Jushirou was back and the shame he felt at losing his battle with the Hollow - a battle all of them had lost - was keeping him away. That and the recent developments between Okita and his vice commander. Times like these made Okita wish he had the power to know exactly the right things to say. Instead, he had to bumble through and stay silent when he didn't. He just hoped he wouldn't be silent the entire evening.
Closing his eyes, Okita leaned heavily against the wall, letting his body relax finally. He knew it meant the disease would push its way through, but no one would hear him from here. As if on cue, Okita's lungs spasmed and he grabbed a tissue, coughing hard into it, doubling over from the effort as his body forced the red fluid out of his lungs. He clutched his chest and took a deep breath once it was over, checking to see how much had come up before neatly folding it and tossing it into the empty basket. Falling back against the wall again, he sighed and waited for the one who said he'd come.