Feb 29, 2004 22:50
Here is the second piece of this post. I hope that it is not too long...
Saturday (2/21) - It was just the same as most other Saturdays. I went to the store, went to the school, and stopped by to see Tom. Nothing else to report.
Sunday (2/22) - Also same as usual. I went to the SCC meeting, but ended up getting out there late because of problems with the Red Line. By the time I got there, the meeting was just finishing up, so I got a brief re-cap from John about it. We also collated pieces that need to be sent to the various schools for advertising and put them in envelopes. John will print stickers later in the week and mail them out. At least my time was somewhat useful going out there. They have also made me responsible for getting the distribution materials out to the COF schools. John will email me the materials and I will be responsible for the rest here.
Monday (2/23) - Big waste of a day. I got absolutely nothing done. Was supposed to study for my Abnormal case study. Didn’t do it. Was supposed to write my revised homework for Research Methods. Didn’t do it. I did find the energy to write out and email the definitions to some of the people in my class, so I guess that could count for some review work. I also tried to get some reading done for this class. I had to hurry and get it done because I had plans to see Tony and Maria’s Italian Wedding with some people from the school. Just as I am finishing reading chapter 4, I get a phone call from Christina asking if I want to have dinner with her since she has to wait since for the train. She ends up trying to speed through the chapter that I just read, which ends up making me more confused on the material. She also is using my book and reading the information to me as I sit there. Uh, hi I know how to read. Does she even know who she is dealing with? I was the grand reading champion in my second and third grade classes, thank you very much! And where the hell was she two hours ago when I first started? This is exactly the reason why I hate studying with other people. If both people have not previously read the material AND don’t have the same way of studying, then it becomes more of a hindrance than a help to all parties involved. Any way, just sum up the experience to being a huge waste of my time when I could have been doing something better, like sleeping or NOT BEING BOTHERED WITH OTHER PEOPLE’S BULLSHIT! So I went to the event, and Megan (my old boss from Admissions) came along because some one in her office bought her a ticket. Fucking great! So it was Miriam, Megan, Mary, some Asian girl and her boyfriend sitting across from her. On the other side it was me (across from Miriam and Megan) and Veronica (another WS student sitting across from Mary). It was one of those interactive deals where the audience is supposed to do stuff with the cast, but when I suggested that we go on the dance floor, no one at my table wanted to. I hate that when people just sit there and don’t participate. And on top of that, I went to other tables and asked people if they wanted to dance and they said no too! At that point I just sat down and chalked it up to BO or something of the sort. My ego and esteem were bent out of shape, but not broken. So, overall the event was fabulous and I definitely recommend people going. Too bad I can’t say the same about my table group.
Tuesday (2/24) - This was by far the worst day this entire semester. I had all of that stuff to do that I mentioned earlier and very little time to actually get it done. Health Psych was a fricken waste of time. We discussed the importance of stress scales. Oh my god, this was the same shit as Stress & Illness. Even the professor said so. So I just sat there for almost an hour and made a list of all the stuff that I needed to get done for the rest of the week. I took my Abnormal case which was and was not that bad. It was bad because I knew what I needed to say, but could not say it the way the DSM stated. That makes me nervous because I don’t know if the professor will get the idea that I know the information. It was not bad because I just kept writing and did not have a time limit. I spent my entire lunch period trying to study my papers for Research class, which was not easy. That exam sucked and I am not the only one who felt that way. I tried to read at least one case for Patients’ Rights, but after the day I had it was just too draining. I got myself some fries and chicken tenders for my lunch, only to come to class and forget that we were supposed to bring something because it was “potluck”. I do not know what I was thinking when I came in, but I was so embarrassed that I looked over while holding my chicken tenders and said to the guy “You want some of my protein?” As soon as that came out I totally apologized and he just laughed and took one anyway. COFA meeting was blah since only ten of us came. After the meeting, Jeannette and I hung out until after midnight and then we both went home.
Wednesday (2/25) - I came in to school after noon because I was not in the mood to come in at all. I went over to lunch only to not have a spot to sit at with the other people, so I sat by myself and had lunch, which was refreshing. The highlight of that day was when Joe kept trying to stick his finger in my ear, and I said to him matter-of-factly “If you are going to stick your finger in someone’s hole, I would prefer that none of them be mine. Thanks.” With that I turned around and continued eating. He was so stunned by that all he had to say was “I’ve got nothing.” That’s right; he can take his fetish somewhere else because that was not the day and I am not his bitch. Period.
Thursday (2/26) - I ended up spending a good chunk of my day working on my verbal presentation and general outline for my Research Methods class. Everyone in the class was frantic having to stand up and do it. I think it was because Prof. Newcomer tends to be a bit of a perfectionist, so she can take points off for something stupid like having too much eye contact with the audience. I decided that I would put myself on the chopping block by saying that I would go first, regardless of who got the first spot. So I stood up there, did my speech and waited for question. And there were none. Not a single one. So either people were really bored and were not listening or the project was so clear that it made sense to my audience. Patients’ Rights was kind of boring. At the end of class, the students broke into three groups. The topic is abortion and I am on the side of pro-life. The other side is pro-choice and the third group are judges who will ask both sides a number of questions.
Friday (2/27) - The weather was fabulous so I decided that I would take a nice long walk instead of sitting inside and having lunch. I came back and watched As The World Turns and then went to the comp. lab to clean out my different mailboxes. I went over to my friend Raciel’s house to watch Freddy vs. Jason, but we ended up missing the first part, so we just had tacos for dinner and then he drove me home.
Saturday (2/28) I slept in and did nothing except read Soap Opera Digest. Then I watched TV for almost two hours before seeing my kids at school. I cleaned out two of the fish tanks, neither of which was the saltwater tanks. I need to prep myself before I touch that. There is a multi-step process before I do that because theoretically there are two parts: the filter section and the tank itself.
So that pretty much wraps up the second half of February. I hope that I will be able to post more often in March because this was a pretty exhausting process. Hope that everyone else's weekend went well.