Dear Turingfest letter

Apr 21, 2018 17:35

--in case I think of anything else after signups close, but I've tried to provide all the necessary detail in the AO3 signup proper.
Edit 4/23: Okay! Dear... Turinger:

Thank you for doing this exchange! I hope you have a great time working on whatever you come up with. Here are some thoughts on each of my prompts, mostly just copied from my AO3 signup so it's all tidy in one place. Please drop me an anon if I can answer any questions, and I'll see you in June! 🤖


- Logan (Westworld)/Hector Escaton
- Dolores Abernathy/Maeve Millay
- Clementine Pennyfeather/Maeve Millay
- Peter Abernathy
- Bernard Lowe

We're both taking an exciting gamble by signing up for Westworld right before S2 finally starts. I say: GO WILD. You can use whatever the hell new canon we're about to get, you can write as if only S1 ever happened, you can canon-diverge anywhere you want, you can base your plot on wild guesses about future reveals. (I will be watching S2 as it broadcasts, so don't worry about spoilers w/r/t anything that's aired by the time stories are due.)

DNW: explicit sexual violence; really graphic descriptions of physical violence -- like, I realize what show this is, but I watch a lot of it with my hands over my face, don't judge me; onscreen depiction of people taking advantage of hosts' memory-wipes for sexual purposes (reference to such things having happened in the past is OK); abuse or assault within requested pairings.

Star Wars Sequel Trilogy

- C-3PO & Leia Organa: C-3PO's kind of been there with Leia for longer than anybody, hasn't he? And even though he's not really great at being a diplomatic droid like he was designed to be, he's earned her trust to be the spymaster for her paramilitary organization. I'd like to know a little more about that (including like...just the story of her giving him that job! if it was covered in canon, I haven't read it and I don't mind an alternate take). Or other stories of their friendship, before or after VII and VIII.

- BB-8 & R2-D2: Will Artoo become a mentor figure for BB-8? Will BB-8 have to pester the initially gruff and recalcitrant old Artoo for guidance? Or has Artoo taken an immediate shine to BB-8's personality and if anything is too happy to help BB-8 aspire to a fuller mayhem potential while C-3PO looks on in horror?

Star Wars Original Trilogy

- Lando Calrissian/Lobot: The first thing that comes to mind, obviously, is Lando on a quest to get Lobot's personality restored somehow. (Maybe *that's* what he was doing during the new movies? Or maybe he managed it sooner than that.) But if you have some capers in mind that take place before the events of the Lando comics, with Lobot partially cybernetic but still his old self, go for it!

- C-3PO/R2-D2: I like space adventures, droid culture & droid politics, humor, loyalty, Artoo and Threepio's perspectives on human events. Any era of canon is fine. Please no droid sexin'.

- GNK Power Droid: How was there no AO3 tag for this character?!? It's Gonk Droid!! I just want to celebrate Gonk Droid. This would be a great place for some heroic adventures of Gonk Droid, with the tone on the spectrum of cute-joke-to-crack-taken-seriously. Gonk Droid giving a distraught C-3PO a shoulder to cry on after Artoo goes into sleep mode. Rebel Gonk Droid smuggling data through perilous territory. That one poor Gonk Droid escaping Jabba's droid basement. Remember the outer boundary is crack-taken-seriously, don't keep going into Cute Premise Turned Ironically Dark or I will cry. I will find you and cry in your face.

Crossover Fandom

- Janet (The Good Place) & Bartleby (Dogma) & Loki (Dogma)
- Janet (The Good Place) & Crowley (Good Omens) & Aziraphale (Good Omens)

Janet and the end-of-the-world boyfriends!* I love it! Whatever fusions of their universes you have an idea for, I'm looking forward to reading it. If you're doing the Janet & Bartleby & Loki prompt, feel free to bring in other Askewniverse canon. I've seen everything except Clerks II and the animated stuff.

*that's my interpretation, but of course you're not obliged to do anything shippy unless you want to, since these are "&" prompts.

Kentucky Route Zero
- Joseph Wheattree & Junebug (Kentucky Route Zero)
- Shannon Márquez/Junebug/Johnny (Kentucky Route Zero)
- Shannon Márquez & Junebug & Johnny (Kentucky Route Zero)
- Xanadu (Kentucky Route Zero)

I actually know that no one has been assigned to write this for me, because by the end of signups only one person had offered this fandom and that was me. :D But if by some chance you're a treater who's into this, I love you and here's my KRZ tag on tumblr.

games: kentucky route zero, tv: westworld, tv: the good place, small fandoms, star wars, fest letter

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