Cold Spark - Part 9

Jan 23, 2012 21:20

Title: Cold Spark (Chapter 9 of ?)
Verse: G1 with references to WFC
Rating: PG
Other Characters: Ironhide
Warnings: curses, mentions of overloads
Summary: Start with the small things…

A/N: My muse refused to cooperate with me for the longest time with this. I had an outline and then she deviated from it. I think we are back on track now. I hope to have this wrapped up in another few chapters but there will be room for a sequel. The reason for the altered subroutines will be revealed but just because Ratchet figures out the why it doesn't mean the problem is solved.

Since I haven't updated this story in a long time, here are the links in my journal to the other chapters:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

(I do not own Transformers.)

Jazz returned to his office after his talk with Prowl and worked on reports until well after his shift ended. He returned to the storage closet which served as his temporary quarters being careful to avoid the security sensors. He still didn't want anyone to know where he hid. He settled down for recharge and thought about his conversation with Prowl. He was still filled with conflicting emotions regarding his bondmate but he was pleased with himself for managing to keep control over them. He wondered if Ratchet would ever figure out what had triggered this entire mess in the first place.


When Jazz onlined he felt better than he had since his fight with Prowl started. He thought for the first time that perhaps they could work their way through this. He desperately missed Prowl. He liked to be around Prowl and he had to admit, interfacing with Prowl was hot. Had he really accused Prowl of having a cold spark? Jazz sighed. He knew that in the berth his bondmate was the most passionate mech he'd ever known. He felt his systems heat up as he recalled how incredible it looked the first time he saw Prowl overload. The Praxian looked incredible any time he overloaded. Pit, he just looked incredible.

Frustrated that he didn't have time to release the charge that had built up in his systems from thinking about Prowl, he slipped out of the storage closet and made his way to his office. On his desk was a data chip with more music files. This time there was a brief note indicating that it was from Prowl. He sat in his chair for quite some time thinking about what he should do. Because of the influence of his altered emotional subroutines, he decided he would not give in easily. He was going to make Prowl work for his spark. He knew though that he would, eventually, give in to his mate's attempts to restore their relationship.


Prowl loved Jazz so much that he did work for the saboteur's spark. He realized quickly that Jazz had figured out what he was doing. Ironhide assured the tactician this was normal and with persistence Jazz would eventually return to him. The SIC decided to simply enjoy all of the small ways he could show his bondmate how he felt. Prowl felt a bit out-of-character at times but Ironhide had told him that Jazz would appreciate it if he could demonstrate he was willing to endure some discomfort to win back the mech he loved.

Besides random gifts of music and high grade, Prowl also subtly adjusted Jazz's duty shifts. The TIC noticed he had less monitor duty and when he checked the roster he discovered that Prowl had taken on his shifts even though it meant double shifts for the tactician. Jazz noticed a bit less in the way of reports as well. Prowl would never overstep his authority by doing Jazz's reports for him but he did notice he had to hunt less for supporting material when he wrote his reports.

Still, despite all of Prowl's efforts, the saboteur remained obstinate. They did continue to talk after officer briefings and Jazz would thank Prowl for each gift. The tactician was becoming very confused. He sat in weapons specialist's office and shook his helm. "I love him, Ironhide. I've done all kinds of little things for him but he still hasn't come back to me."

The warrior regarded the tactician quietly. In a soft voice he said, "Then it's time you did something big."


Jazz sat on his recharge mat and read. He tried to anyway. He felt a pang of guilt that Prowl had done so much for him and he was being stubborn about it. Pit, was Ratchet ever going to figure this out? A soft knock made him look up. No one knew where he hid. He got up and opened the door shocked to see Prowl standing there.

"Jazz," the tactician whispered.

The saboteur stood silently waiting to hear what his bondmate had to say.

Prowl was relieved that Jazz was at least waiting especially since he appeared at the other's secret hiding spot. He had a chance and he took it. "Jazz?" he asked. "Would you go on a date with me? I have backstage passes to your favorite band. They will be in a concert not far from here tomorrow night."

Jazz looked at Prowl. Primus, he was really trying to win back Jazz's spark. "Yeah, Ah'll go with ya. Ah'll see ya tomorrow night." Then Jazz shut the door, leaned against it, and smiled. It may have seemed rude to dismiss Prowl like that but if he hadn't he would have swept the Praxian in his arms and kissed him senseless. He wanted to do that but he wasn't quite ready yet. Frag those emotional subroutines!

Prowl stared at the closed door and sighed. At least Jazz had agreed to go. He had hoped to convince him to return to their quarters but it was not to be. He sighed again and returned to his office to adjust the duty roster to allow Jazz and himself to go to the concert. For once, he did not engage his tactical processor in determining the probability of reconciliation with his bondmate.


Jazz didn't know how Prowl had secured the backstage passes but he was glad his bondmate managed to acquire them. He was enjoying the music immensely. He had been able to chat with the band before the concert and watch in wonder at the finely tuned action which occurred behind the scenes. He knew Prowl didn't care for this style of music but every time he looked at him, the tactician would smile. Although they still had not resumed communicating through their bond he was talking through a private comm link.

/This is great, Prowl./

/I'm glad you are enjoying yourself./

/Hey, ya look like yer havin' fun, too./

Prowl smiled again. /I'm with you, Jazz. That's all that matters./

Jazz's attention was pulled away from the syrupy sentiment as the band launched into his favorite song. Prowl was content to watch his bondmate enjoy the evening, happy to be with Jazz even though it was at a great personal cost. The tactician never let on how badly his doorwings were hurting from the loud music.

After the concert, they slowly returned to base with Prowl set the pace. He wasn't going slowly because of romantic intentions but because his doorwings hurt so badly that the air flow over his doors was painful. Eventually, they reached the entrance of the base and transformed out of vehicle modes. Despite the pain Prowl smiled and thanked the saboteur for the date. Jazz thanked his bondmate in return and to the Praxian's relief, he sauntered off to his makeshift quarters humming the tune to his favorite song. As much as Prowl hoped the other would follow, he was glad to return alone to their quarters. In the dark and silence Prowl collapsed on the berth and sobbed in pain and loneliness until he slipped into recharge.
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