Perspective - Part 9

Jan 17, 2012 19:26

Title: Matter of Perspective (Chapter 9 - Realization)
Author: sideswipe_tf
Verse: G1
Rating: PG
Characters: Ratchet, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe
Warnings: none

A/N: I thought I would challenge myself and try to tell a story about Ratchet and the twins through a series of drabbles. Each character has one drabble per chapter (three drabbles per chapter) and each chapter focuses on a specific idea or event. I am also sticking with the interpretation of exactly 100 words per drabble. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

(I do not own Transformers.)


Ratchet was sitting in the rec room enjoying energon after his shift. He saw the twins walk in and quickly looked down at his cube. The medic had not spoken to the twins since they had comforted him in the medbay. He had been surprised at the depth of maturity they had displayed. It frightened him. If they were capable of such compassion, what would he have to look forward to if they became his lovers? He glanced up and saw that they were both looking right at him. In that moment he knew he would eventually bond with them.


Sideswipe was feeling good after the sparring session with Ironhide. He strolled into the rec room with his brother so they could retrieve their rations. He noted with surprise that Ratchet was there. There must not have been any patients in the medbay. He was sad that Ratchet had been avoiding them lately but he knew the mech needed his space. When he saw the medic look up he flashed a smile and decided it was time to take action. He began to walk in the direction where Ratchet was sitting. He was going to tell him how he felt.


Sunstreaker saw a look pass over Ratchet's optics and then saw his twin moving in that direction. He knew through the twin bond that his brother was tired of waiting to tell Ratchet how he felt. Sunstreaker thought it was clear through their actions how they felt. He followed his brother and without asking, sat next to the medic. While Sideswipe began to talk, Sunstreaker simply placed his servo over Ratchet's. For one spark-stopping moment the medic looked up into his optics. In that moment, Sunstreaker knew what Ratchet felt. He too knew that the three of them would bond.
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