Ever since the Strikethrough of '07 -- actually, ever since I realized that LJ was something of an attractive nuisance of basket in which to store eggs, way back when -- I've been thinking about how one would go about turning LJ, the software, from a client/server model to a peer-to-peer model. That is, how to make LJ distributed
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Comments 53
Distributing the friends system doesn't really seem like the hard part, to me. I mean, I don't know anything about implementing OpenID, but I've used it and it works fine. On LJ, friendings are bidirectional, and unilateral. So I don't see what the hangup is.
And I'm certainly not in for paying for hosting. I love getting comments and all, but I'm a cheapskate and wouldn't pay for any sort of blog utility. I'd revert to my Microsoft Word journaling long before that.
I love the idea of it, but I can see it much more usefully on facebook. With all the addable/creatable applications, it's potentially a great hub for people like me who have no web programming knowledge. I'd love to have a feed reading in from yelp and sparkpeople.
I'm quite sure you don't. This isn't the place to discuss current events, especially in light of just how many other journals are and have been overflowing with that discussion. I recommend you use this as an entry to the issues, but carry on the conversation somewhere else.
I'd revert to my Microsoft Word journaling long before that.
It's good that you have that figured out, because you may yet get a chance to use that exit plan.
Finding people who are familiar with the technologies involved is easy, too. Whether or not they can be convinced to do anything about it...
Absolutely. However, I was thinking about a slightly more complicated application which could be considered "gravy", except that it is necessary to the importation of LJs. There needs to be an interface for the LJdist owner to say "lj:user{londo} == myljdist:user{londo@centauri.gov}". Once you have that, it seems tempting to say, "Let's make that a 1-to-many!" so that you could also say "lj:user{londo} == myljdist:user{londo@ambassadors.b5.gov}". Then you could authenticate against either server -- which has the awesome property of giving you backup authentication. Because one of the interesting properties of this architecture I've been thinking of is that if your site goes down, you can't access anybody else's site, either, as a logged-in user, because your site isn't there to authenticate against ( ... )
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