This might be the last entry I have in this silly, little thing

Jun 04, 2005 22:55

I almost never write anything of substance in here. I don't think I can deal with the present in those terms. I also don't think my present situation is terribly interesting. I'm more interested in my past at this point in time, and my future. It's as if the present doesn't even truly exist at this point in time, which, I guess is the case. How many times can you listen to the video game or book or movie I entertained myself with or the ridiculousness of work?

But there is no time like the present to start anew. Along with this account, I'd also delete my other writing account (VooDooJoel I believe...). In their place, I might set up another account, although I think that would depend on interest from others. You see, at the moment, I am writing. And, I'd like to write a new story a week, although I don't think I have the imagination, time, or effort to be able to writing something completely unique each week. Therefore, I am going to start writing stories from my past. Not that I'm the most interesting person ever, but I think I write okay, and any writing is better than no writing. Plus, critical analysis always helps. Hey, it might even work to get some shit off my chest.

Things the journal would include:
-Short fiction
-Short fictionalized biographies
-Early versions of spoken word/hip-hop verses I want to work on (By the way, I want to, by the end of the year, at least perform a song or two I've written at either the Press Room in Portsmouth, or something along those lines.)
-Good writing
-Bad writing
-More bad writing
-Occasional posts concerning late updates, and the like. These probably won't be more than a line or two.

Things that won't be in the journal:
-Me slamming people. When I said I want to get shit off my chest, I don't necessarily want to rip on others, although in some cases I might enjoy that very much. But if there is someone I feel that I am overly harsch on, I probably won't use their name.
-Be a tell all about different friendships/relationships that I've had. While I might talk about sexual history with certain people, again I probably won't name names. If you were involved in said situation, or know who I'm talking about, please don't refer to that person in the journal.
-Updates on what is going on in my life. I've decided that if someone truly wants to know how I'm doing, they can ask me, and I will be more than happy to share with her/him what is going in my life.

Things I'd appreciate from readers:
-Good, strong constructive criticism. The three words I never want to see placed together are "I liked it", or something similar to that. I want to be ripped apart.
-With what I said above being true, I want to be ripped apart from a writing perspective. I don't know if I care to be ripped apart on LJ from a moral perspective.
-Suggestions. Not just for the work you are reading, but sometimes it is nice to not always have to think up a topic yourself. Ask me anything. I won't be embarrassed. I promise. And two to one, I'm sure I can write a story based on a simple question, or idea.

Please, if you are interested in this, either comment here, or send an IM to me. I'm planning on writing anyways, but if you're interested in this process, let me know. If people aren't interested, than I'm not going to take the time.

Thanks for reading this thing in the past. I do appreciate it. Thanks for the help in the hard times. I don't need this thing anymore. There is no point to it.
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