Long day, but felt short. I had a fitful sleep last night. I was a little nervous about the job today and the upstairs neighbors, fucking assholes, woke me around three, which didn't help...
I don't know why I get so nervous before a gig. No reason for it. It went fine. Was done by about two. Ran to Target for cider before more storms started rolling through. It's so humid in here right now paper is curling. Least it's not hot like the east and west coast.
Needed to get some cider for the match tomorrow. I will be a little drunk and possibly eating a pizza by noon!
And if that match is half as good as the second half of the France game I watched today! Sadly, Kanté won't get another trophy, France lost.
When the game was over I fell asleep. Not before seeing this from Criterion though!
Can't wait!