Watched the second part of the Hemingway documentary before bed. Left the window open last night and the cool breeze blew that in was amazing. When I woke up around 5:30 I could hear the birds. I can still hear them as I drink my coffee. That, and the El off in the distance.
I had a crazy dream last night. I had a pain in my stomach, just below my belly button, and when I pulled up my shirt there was what I thought to be a hernia, only it was bright red and in the middle kinda white. Ran about as long as my pointer finder and as wide as a hotdog. Hurt to touch it, which of course I did in the dream. Shit, I thought, now I have to get surgery again. Then I woke up.
I sat up and finished reading Edmond Hamilton's, "The World with a Thousand Moons"
Going grocery shopping today. Might miss the Chelsea later.