Hey there, fans from around the world(read: a bunch of people in pittsburgh and then one in new york, california and florida)!
This week we made the normal blog and the audioblog so they fit together nicely but both work on their own, too. Have fun...
Note : To best experience this, go to the AudioBlog page of our
official online internet website, and download 'Unfamiliar Taste'.
After you've done that, come back here and look at the pictures when they are mentioned.
Or, I guess you can just read about our encounter with...
Band Practice Pt. I
How to never cut a pizza.
See Fig.9
To do.
How to choose what to do first.
Note that the
minicomic has cycled again.
This is why Eliotes hair changes colour. Because he is a witch.
Dylan thought to himself, "My thirst is too great.
I must use these small coins to help me locate
A Dr. Pepper, because that drink is cool . . .
I missed, and got a fucking mountain dew.
"I noticed this coming back from getting a mountain dew." says Dylan
"So I reached behind the dumpster . . .
. . . and pulled out a crate!
I thought 'What a cool kid am I?'.", said Eliote, in a dumb voice.
We asked for picture requests since we had a digital camera hostage, the above is one of those results brought to life. We took many pictures...
This is the Flamingo stance, which doubles my capacity to endure.
But Eliote cannot stand on one leg. He's just unable. And it's not even a question of balance, he is just incapable of lifting one of his legs...he has to shuffle from place to place, it's called "winkling".
So . . .
I kidnapped him. I'm requesting one live female manatee, I don't care when it's delivered. Take your time...he's in no hurry.
We banded together and played some music, instrumentally (with guitars(and a bass, which is like a guitar but bigger)). We're in a band.
Ss, have a Very Almost day.