fuck you, earwigs!
"Earwigs are a relatively common, if little known insects, typified by Forficula auricularia the common European Earwig. Which can now be found in most temperate and many tropical countries due to its fondness for potted plants as a home. There are around 1 200 species of which the rare, if not extinct Labidura herculeana from St Helena is the largest at around 8 cm long. "
I have always hated the motherfuckers
and it is totally inappropriate that the first insect I see this spring apart from the housefly
is a family of motherfucking earwigs hatching in my windowsill garden.
thank god they're the tiny kind with pincers that aren't really menacing. I'm still kind of terrified to open the window, though, since two of them are still trapped between the glass and the screen D:
everything else on this earth has a right to live
except earwigs, and silverfish.