Jan 26, 2005 21:54
i honestly feel like i hate everyone in this world... im starting to realize that bad in all people... all people except aubrey... she is the wind beneath my wings... she is the coolest kid i know... and all boys should make out with her!
i feel stressed out from the credit union job... tomorrow is our meeting at school for the credit union... it involves free pizza and students ideas... both brittany and i were suppose to find at least 2 people to attend the meeting, and Brittany all up and went to Rhode Island... and i dont think she was at school today... so i wonder if she'll be at school tomorrow? and i wonder if she remembered to get her 2 people? i doubt it... i've now been stressing out for the past 2 days... and now tonight, i've tried my hardest to get together atleast 5 people... so far i think i have 4... and maybe tomorrow i will have more.... so, if your interested in attending tomorrow's meeting at the school's credit union, talk to me at school tomorrow.... FREE PIZZA
i might kill myself......... chica