i really dont remember what i did friday night.... hmmmmm.... i dont know... did i work... i know i worked at the credit union.... i think i went home and went to bed early
well... as we all know... it snowed on saturday..... thank god that we closed the credit union early and i got to go home and enjoy the snow....
i spent my day eating food.... ohhh god yes.... and watching tv... and chatting it up on the compute.... holler
sunday i woke up at 9... and waited for lyra to wake up so we could go get food... lyra finally woke up around 11:20 ish... and then aubrey called me... so the three of us went out to eat at red lobster.... we talked about us going to cali this summer... im excited... Then, it was time for dancing....
with my friends and i, we tend to get in some sort of sick gangster mood sometimes... and its great.. it involves us driving around in the most gangster area we can find, and blasting rap.. ohhh... and of course... dancing... if you wish to see some amazing pictures of aubreys dancing... check out her xanga
http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=aubbydaubbydoo then we drove around... and lyra felt sick... and we were worried.... god love... but she was just going through withdraw.... so then we went back to lyras to get her some calcium... sexy... then aubrey got a call from her boy brian... god love.... but she chose dick over chicks... that bitch... god love... but whatever.... i hope they fall in love... that would be awesome....
so lyra and i picked up krista and went to this kid steves house to play ddr...... poor krista had to sit in my dirty ass car... lol... thats how we roll in a grand am... holler... i love ddr... i almost want to play it everyday... then... we all took turns exploring steves house.... and we determined that his blanket is tan and not pink sadly.....
then... we ate cake! we went to giant and ate cake.... it was awesome.... mmm cake..... then i had to leave...
i spent like 15 minutes trying to get up my driveway... and couldnt... so i parked in the grass.... and then i went to sleep... thank god for 2 hour delays.....