Welll i've been too lazy to update for a while. Also when i sit here at my laptop i either feel guilt that i'm not working or i have been working so i'm bored and don't want to sit and think of something to write about. I have been working lots, actually managed to write a bit of dissertation, wahey! But then went to see my tutor this morning all pleased and she said 'Oo good, i hope it's not your introduction though, you should write that last'...meh. It was. She was pleased with how i'm getting along anyway and i only have occasional panics at the moment as it still seems a while off the due date. Got to do essays now though, and presentation on cosmetic surgery and stuff tomorrow.
My Dad rang me last night and said i'm invited for a roast dinner at my auntie's on Sunday and did i want to go, for a few moments i felt bad about leaving my work but then decided that was stupid so i'm going home for my termly visit. I can go and see Sophie and get fed some home-cooked food anyway.
Umm little has happened in the way of a social life, Mum and Dad came and took me and Graham out, his Mum and Dad came and took us out, Neil came and we went to Wetherspoons. Oh yeh Graham was a model in the Uni fashion show and did verry well, people were whistling and stuff but i can't so i just laughed and clapped quietly. We went to Fan Club after but i fear my Fan Club days are over as it was all quiet and full of really young looking emo kids, went to Mosh instead and it was much better. My housemates are horrible, Hannah has open door sex and Julia has a Samantha..like urrgh. I got caught in torrential rain today and i quite enjoyed it, even my socks were wet but i thought oh well can't get any worse so i splashed through puddles a bit. My newest jeans have developed a hole in them though, am angry and saddened and may try and take them back. My velcroey cord shoes have blown up and have obvious gaping holes in them, this means i have no shoes and all the others are either hurty or too cold/unrain proof, waa. I need some shoes/boots so i had a look, didn't like any then saw these and i can't decide whether they're nice or nasty...
Votes please. Not necessarily that colour or anything. They'd at least be a bit better in rain because i wouldn't get wet jeans as well as shoes, but Julia says they look like wellies. Quick decisions and replies are needed because i have nothing to go over my socks:(