steel sounds and cotton smiles

May 26, 2001 19:10

alix is sitting beside me playing his cousins guitaur. i couldnt be happier than when i am with him, listening to him play and talking, or just sitting and touching one anothers faces. it was a hell of a grive to get to him, i drove for 14 hours the first day, stopping in Princeton. i decided that was a good place to stop and get some shut eye, so i unrolled my sleeping bag in a park around 11 in the evening. i managed to get to sleep aroung midnight, despite fears of being caught or robbed or something. then at 2:40 the fu*king sprinkler system went off, getting me quite wet and unable to go back to sleep in my wet sleeping bag. so i got up and kept driving, from 3 in the morning to 7. i arrived at the place alix was staying, and it has been worth it. i love him so much. we are going to smoke some hash later in the day, i am looking forward to it. and to sleeping in the arms of my love again tonight. we are going to look for a place to live soon, so we are not always bumming crash space in alixs families houses. i feel lousy when we have to do that, i feel like a burden to them. and al's grandparents dont really like me, so staying at their place is really awkward for me. but i would sleep on a bed of nails if alix was there.

i feel sleepy, i will go now and try to convince alix to go soon.


alix, travel

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