Title: Flagstaff Characters: Sam, Dean, John, Bobby Rating: PG-13 (language) Spoilers: Derived from part of 5.16, Dark Side of the Moon Summary: John pinpoints what went wrong.
Title: Flagstaff Characters: Sam, Dean, John, Bobby, OMC Rating: PG-13 (language) Spoilers: Derived from part of 5.16, Dark Side of the Moon Summary: After finding Sam, John decides a visit with Bobby is in order.
Title: Flagstaff Characters: Dean, John Rating: PG-13 (Language) Spoilers: Coda to part of 5.16, Dark Side of the Moon Summary: John comes home to find one son sleeping, and the other missing. A/N: This fic is by request from steelknight . It was supposed to be about 2500 words and I thought I'd have it done a week ago, but someone gave my Muse a hit of
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