Feb 14, 2008 11:09
I was just thinking about the strange things I see Texans do...
Like, driving across the grass median anytime they feel like it. Picture a major divided highway, 3-4 lanes in each direction. Someone gets the urge to turn around? No need to wait for an exit, simply make a U-turn across the grass... wherever you feel like it. Dip, or hill in between, don't worry, if your car gets STUCK because it's been raining hard, just leave it there. If it gets high-centered because you FEEL like you're driving a huge Texas Farm Truck, but you're really driving a little KIA, that's okay. It will just match the other cars littered along the median that couldn't make it for some reason or another. Change your mind after passing the official exit? Don't worry, just cut across the grass, up the hill,or down it, depending on the landscape... Pshaw, who needs pavement? If the traffic's backed up bumper to bumper due to an accident (most likely caused by Texans' liberal view of traffic laws) just drive along the shoulder, half on, half off the pavement, it's all good.
Now, Jason says (and I have to agree, though I like to play devil's advocate) that the majority of these incidences aren't actually "TEXAS" drivers, but rather returnees from Iraq. He said that's just how you drive over there. With thousands of soldiers returning home, it's a plausible scenario.
'course weirdos aren't limited to Texas, not sure exactly what made me think of my Aunt and Uncle's neighbor in Seattle who regularly walks out to get his mail stark naked. He is actually a pretty nice guy otherwise, and they know him pretty well and they visit back and forth (clothed, of course.)
More later, I've got a treasure trove of stuff.