Sep 11, 2006 18:16
So I have started the university life at York. Other than the fact that it is on the other side of the world (a 1.5 hr. TTC ride in the morning and a 2 hr. one during rush hour, with 4 transfers), it is pretty much like high school, with more people. Instead of hall-walking, we have campus walking. Instead of 2000 people, there are 50,000. And instead of independent study, there are 3 hour lectures. But I must admit it is not too bad. Still haven't gotten any homework (thank god) because I'm dreading the no-less-than-10-page essays I will have to write weekly. So far, my classes are not too bad. My Human Health and Disease course is actually quite interesting and it may just be the course that will steer me towards a major in the medical field. Starting tomorrow, I still have 2 more courses to look forward too (hopefully) and my other course does not start until next semester. So what have I done in the first week of university? I have received more free stuff (water bottle, bag, tshirt, millions of pens, clipboard and agenda), have located the Second Cup (York Lanes), Starbucks (Computer Science Building) and three Tim Horton's locations (Central Square, TEL, and William Small Centre), sat through a three-hour lecture where I was fed one Hershey's Kiss, explored the underground pathways that connect each building, waited in a ridiculously long bus line, walked a 15-minute walk to the very edge of campus to the daily parking lot AND spent a crazy $10 on a greek lunch. And that's only the first week. But so far, so good. I just know I won't be saying that when I'm pulling an all-nighter studying for a midterm and writing a 12-page essay while trying to fight the longings of at least an hour's sleep. Yeah, that is correct, I have four exams for each of the four courses (not counting winter semester Creative Writing) 4 times of the year. October, December, February and April.
9:30-10:30 - Concepts of Human Health and Disease (lecture)
12:30-2:30 - Intro to Communications (lecture)
2:30-5:30 - The Photographic Experience (lecture)
5:30-6:30 - The Photographic Experience (tutorial)
9:30-10:30 - Concepts of Human Health and Disease (lecture)
a ridiculously long 4 hour break... until January where 12:30-2:30 is Theories of Writing (lecture)
2:30-5:30 - Intro to Psychology (lecture)
..but starting in January, 1:30-2:30 Theories of Writing (tutorial)
9:30-10:30 - Concepts of Human Health and Disease (lecture)
10:30-11:30 - Concepts of Human Health and Disease (tutorial)
12:30-2:30 - Intro to Communications (tutorial)