(no subject)

Jun 04, 2006 17:24

Having kind of a lazy Sunday...which isn't good, because I've had kind of a lazy week this past week. I need to get started on more applications! This whole job hunt is driving me crazy...I've applied so many places and have had one interview, that my aunt got me! Everyone kept telling me, "oh you'll get a job, you're so qualified"...but it just feels like no one wants to give me a shot
=( I really thought I'd here something from Dublin by now. Maybe I didn't do as good with that interview as I had thought...

In other news. Decided not to get a part-time summer job. Crossing my fingers that because schools have let out, I'll start getting calls for interviews, and I don't want to mess with working out job schedules to fit in interviews, which should be the first priority. Also, once I do get hired, I'll have start crunching down hard core on planning out the curriculum for the year. The thought of doing all that makes my head spin. I'm living with my dad again for the summer, so I don't have any expenses, but gas and outtings with Marcus and my friends. But, my money is slowly dissipating! I'm thinking of putting in an ad in the newspaper here for a "babysitter for hire". I can make just enough money doing that until I get my real full-time job. After I know where I'll be working, the apartment hunt will be on! Marcus and I are going to move in together =) ANNNNNNDDD I just found out some great news! My Uncle Bobby just got engaged, and so he is moving out of this apartment into his fiance's house that is fully furnished! So, Shelley and I get all the furniture from his apartment for ours. And, because I'm closest to Bobby, I get all the big furniture: dresser, couch, tvs, washer and dryer (!!!!), entertainment center for the tv. I'm just so floored! I'm just hoping that my dad and my uncle won't take it all back when they find out Marcus and I are going to live together
=( I still have to tell him..but to say the least, I'm soooo super excited about that and in living with Marcus in general. Everday we grow closer as a couple and I can't even imagine being able to come home to him every night and go to sleep with him every evening. =) It's just going to be great. We just celebrated our two year anniversary last Thursday. I meant him at his house and he had two roses for two years and a very sweet card for me. =) I gave him a few gifts that he enjoyed then we were off to the 94th Aero Squadron (sp?) for dinner and dancing =) I got a wonderful steak dinner and he got some seafood and we listened to Big Band music and slow danced to the slower beats...we had a candle at our table. Got a bottle of wine and even dessert. The bill was probably astronimically expensive, but baby didn't even let me look at it! He paid for it all...such a wonderful man. I'm so lucky, it was a night I'll never forget.

That's about it with me right now. I'm loving that I'm graduated and out of school...it feels soooo nice to sleep in every morning and take a "lazy day" every now and then. I'm also on a diet/exercise plan. Eating more healthier, cooking lighter, and doing exercises virtually everyday. I try to run/walk fast on the bike trail or do this gazelle machine that my dad put into my room. But, exercise can come in all forms. For example, Marcus and I went to Flint Ridge on Saturday morning. We walked around there, took the mile loop, though in all we probably walked over a mile. It was fun, not tooo exciting, but peaceful to walk with my baby and just talk. We then came back and walked around at the Strawberry Festival going on in Newark right now, which was neat. So, I got a lot of walking in on that day, and it was all fun stuff! =) Our next adventure is going to be going to Old Man's Cave- can't wait! Life is good right now. I'll update more as I find out about job or if anything else exciting happens.
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