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Jun 16, 2006 23:51

Just got done watching a new tv show called Entourage with Shelley...we hadk ind of girl's night. It was a nice evening...we got some wine at Kroger and I painted her toe nails and we just relaxed and talked..

Feeling reflective right now...just thinking about the past. Where I used to be. It's almost midnight...tomorrow is the 17th. This is an excerpt from an entry I wrote two years ago on the 17th..

"Just a little entry before I go to bed...big day tomorrow- Old Man's Cave field trip for work- a lonnngg day, I'm sure...but it'll be a good one too- looking forward to it! I hear there is really beautiful scenery and waterfalls...ahhh, sounds wonderful!

Went to see Stepford Wives with Marcus tonight..a pretty good movie- lol funnier than I anticipated. But, I love going to the movies, nothing like the experience of sitting in a dark huge room, with this big screen in front of you...and to make it even better to have a person you care about a lot right beside you! tee hee! It couldn't have got any better if it tried!

My cat is sitting here looking at me, sniffing my arm a little, I think she wants to go to sleep too....yeah, Racey, I agree with you...am tired too =) But a happy content tired...the best kind.

I feel bad...these last couple of days, I haven't been able to do my running/ab workout because I have been busy, but I want to keep it going because I want to look nice...can't let my figure fall now, esp. now...grrr...oh well!

Off to dream wonderful dreams of a special someone...hehehe AH! What do you do when you can't get someone off your mind? There really isn't a cure is there...I guess sleep might help! =)

Two years...time has gone so fast and so much has changed since then. I look at the past and think how things might have been different. If only I had taken this path instead of the one I am on or if only I had done this one thing, would it have made a difference? Would I still be where I am today? Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and see what it would have been like...just to see where I would be now. I wonder sometimes if I have made the right choices...

I carved this saying on a piece of wood in this tiny spot above my old garage on Silver Street one day with some people I cared about: "You can never have too many friends" Funny how time changes everything.

wine is getting to my head a little..think I'll head to bed
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