Sep 23, 2008 20:48
teaching is going pretty good. the early mornings are a pain but i love watching the run rise in my rear view mirror. the morning mist/fog is pretty cool too. the boys are tiny and the girls frighting. i think im pretty lucky to have the teacher i got. for our wire sculpture demos we made obi-wan and darth vader dueling it out with model magic text bubbles. we joke around that we will evict the student work and put all our amazing demo pieces in the display case instead.
i thought myself a genius recently; all these students were outside the door before the bell rang so i had them walk to the end of the classroom and back, just as the bell rang on their trip back.
if i hear one more idea for a project relating to pokemon or naruto... im going to strangle the kid. i can just imagine a kid looking back at artwork they did while they were in jr high and it ALL being naruto shit. that would be depressing. grow a goddamn imagination you turd.
it is creepy though when girls half your age are inquiring about your relationship status...
p.s.-none of the little snots know who the beatles are! some of them have heard of them but that's about it. what are kids being taught these days! the humanity...