(no subject)

Aug 07, 2005 00:56

Somebody please remind me that alcohol is NOT a part of my daily diet. Lastnight I could have fucked things up easily. I left a nasty voice message to Mike that I don't remember what I said in. I know I called and apologized a little while later, but still. He was/is very upset about it and I feel like shit because I didn't mean it. I don't even know why I got mad. *siiiigh*

Lastnight needs to be erased...stumbling into midnight rodeo after 10-12 shots in an hour, sitting on the floor in the corner of the pool room, giving daniel and missy long pecks on the lips....yeah NO...i'm so sorry kallie for you having to witness/experience this nonsense:(

anyway.......music is cool....i've got a weekend at pappa's coming up in the first weekend of september.
August 20 I have a show at the Opry....a "special". October I have the Chili Cookoff, November I have a few gigs, Rolling Greens is one, and I'll be at the St. John's County Fair one day...(St. Augustine)....so I'm kinda glad things are getting rolling in that division of my life again. I have a meeting w/ Chad on Monday (if he gets back in town)...I need to darken my hair some more for marketability. Whatever.

I want to help Mike write a song called "The Man I Want to Be"...he told me he dreams of writing this song for his dad, about his dad's life, and performing it solo, acoustically on stage with a slide show behind him. I'd like to help him at least write the song...he told me he has a hard time lyrically. So that's where I come in. I'm also getting him this Rusty Wallace poster that Santos helped with ..actually Tos designed it for Rusty's retirement...its Mike's favorite NASCAR driver....it'll be well worth the money....I hope he likes it. He also told me he wants to take a motorcycle ride to Copper Canyon before he dies.....I hope he gets that and more.....He shares this stuff with me.....I shouldn't take it for granted. I'm nuts about the guy...I can't believe I might have fucked things up...he says he will be ok and won't be upset in a few days...please Lord, please don't let me have messed up because of stupid stupid alcohol.

Anyway...we are moving out the furniture from the Gainesville house tomorrow...Daniel's helping us, bright and early. fun fun.
goodnight all.
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