Dec 07, 2005 08:54
Ya know...people in general SUCK!!
I have a friend....oh Im sorry I HAD a friend that I used to RP with. He was a great friend. He listened to me when I needed someone to just listen. He made me smile and his political views always intrigued me as Im not a political person at all. He was one of those rare RPers that you find that have a different kinda aura about them. He liked to spar, and his Cs had a personality like no others. He even seemed to BE his C at times. He loved his RPs, and loved the escape from real life it gave him. Just like myself. Not there was anything to escape from, he had a wife that he adores and loves, a whole new life. He gave up his life in the states to move with her in Canada. BUT all it was obviously for nothing. She has taken everything away from him. He is no longer ALLOWED to RP or even converse with me. I too am married, have been for nearly 9 years, I also met my mate online and traveled the distance to be with him. I left my life behind as Gary did. My relationship as gone through toils and turbulance like no others. We've even had our disagreements about RPing. husband has NEVER told me to give up something I love so dearly. He knows it would break my heart. He Actually CARES about my feelings unlike Garys wife. She is so immature. I cant believe that me, RPing with her husband makes her feel so insecure. But you see, she uses the whole RPing bid because its the easiest way for her to hide the fact she wants him to have NO female contacts in his life. When I met Gary and Jen in the chat room, I never believed in a million years that over a year later, I would be told I wasnt allowed to converse with her husband, and not allowed to RP. And its just not with me, he has been banned from RPing in general.
I guess its time for her to start questioning herself. If she belives so damn much that he has betrayed her or is going to lose him, she needs to start looking at herself for the reasons. OBVIOUSLY SHE ISNT DOING SOMETHING RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not me she has a problem with, Its a problem with herself she isnt willing to admit. So lets blame everyone else for her fucking flaws. Jen if you are reading this, read this next part real close and absorb it...try really hard to understand it.
If you are so threatened by a mere RP, then do something about it. Give to him what he is obviously graving. Attention, exitment, perhaps just plain raw, no guidlines, no time restriction, no holdes bar SEX. You ever stop to think that its YOU he has problem with? That you arent giving him what he needs or craves sexually? One more thing Jen. I HATE YOU!!!!! You rhis wife, not his goddamn proibation officer. You have no fucking right to tell him who his friends can and cant be. HAs he EVER fucking told you to give up friends, monitor everything you do, or tell you outright he doesnt trust you? NO he hasnt. I know this for a fact because nothing he ever says is ever heard, so he doesnt say anything. And only the goddess knows why, but he loves you and would NEVER do that to you. No matter how much something bothered him. But, I know who wears the pants in your relationship, and that everything you say goes, no matter how hurtful or fucking selfish it is. You only care about your feelings, your ego, your wants and needs, and FUCK everyone elses. All I have EVER done is been a friend to Gary, listen to him when he needed someone to listen, because OBVIOUSLY you dont. I did what he wanted. I NEVER EVER instigated RPing...He ALWAYS did. Your problem with me is that I never said NO. I was woman enough to accept his offers. Maybe you should and you wouldnt be in the predicament now would you? You keep on controling everything he does, make sure you tell him when he can and cant breathe, and when he can take a shit and whether to wipe or not. Im sure he would listen just like he always does. Is that really what you wanted out of a marriage?? Someone to bow to your every command? A mere DOG?? Because thats what you have turned him into. You give him no freedom to do what he wants, its always your one sided selfishness that wins in the end. And you get your thrills off of that. You are a sick sick lady. Pathetic too I might add. Telling him he can't RP is one thing, but telling him he can no longer contact me or be my friend makes you a dispicable, awful, selfish person. You go on ahead and blame me for all of your problmes, one day you will look in the mirror and realize it wasn't me at all.