National Novel Writing Month has officially begun! Click on the cut to see how my daily flailings proceed - I'll edit the post daily with information.
Chosen work is the failed scifibigbang fic, Foreshadowing of Fate. It's a Transformers multi-continuity fic. More details to be posted later.
11/1/2010: Started writing at midnight, got through precisely three pages by 1:30. Potential opening sequence finished. Total word count: 1,378 words. Almost to the daily 1,667 words!
ETA: Finished what I'm tentatively labeling Part I of the story, at a total of 1,378 words, and started on Part II, with 580 words. New daily total now 1,956 words.
11/2/2010: Scattered work on Part II, talking about the Thirteen working together and the stuff they deal with. Actual full meeting important - they rarely end up all in the same place at the same time! Daily total 1,952 words; new total 3,911 words
11/3/2010: Officially titled parts I and II, and got the plot of III set up. Wonder how much of the original outline's going to be intact when I finish. Daily total for today is 1,764 words; new total is 5,675 words.
11/4/2010: New total word count 6,949 words; added 1,271 more words. So I'm 200-ish above where I should be but technically 'failed' yesterday.
11/5/2010: Still working away. At least 813 words guaranteed for today - plus 313 more if you count the mini-timeline I got out for yesterday/today. New total word count: 8,075 words.
11/13/2010: Belated wordcount update: I fail at writing this fic, because I've only added 394words in eight days. Still, progress is progress. New total word count: 9,831 words.
Word count widgets here!