This year's
con_or_bust fell somewhat short of its goal, and I've been wondering whether there was a way for me to help. Given that I have yet to finish my thing from LAST year's auction (but soon! I swares), and the whole intercontinental move thing, I did not feel up to offering something for auction.
But I was thinking, I could put my Steam Powered novelette up online. Current lack of spoons would not be an issue. Would that be a good donation incentive? It's 8800 words long, so it's a good chunk 'o text. I guess the questions are:
1) Is anyone interested who hasn't read it already?
If so...
2) what's a reasonable donation goal? I was thinking I could put the first three scenes up as initial incentive; that's 800 words, rounding to nearest scene break, which leaves another 8000 to go; given that, would $160 be a reasonable goal there? That's 2c/word.
3) Would it be better if I put up a few scenes at a time, whenever donations met interim goals, or should it be all or nothing?
4) And, of course, logistics. People could either pledge donations here &
donate directly to Con or Bust, or send me the donations & I'd make a lump-sum donation. (Which only makes a difference, I think, if paypal charges for donations; I'd rather Con or Bust gets as close to the full donation as possible, which may mean a lump sum is better on their end).
Snippet from scene 1:
The Frenchmen slowed at the outer pillars, glancing nervously up. Good. Jahanara’s father had likened the arches to clouds, once, rising into God’s glorious realm - but visitors mostly felt the weight of marble over their heads. And perhaps no weight would quell European arrogance, but splendor sent their minds into predictable paths. Let them think her a simple Eastern noblewoman hungry for trinkets and admiration. Let them think they could map out the movement of her gears. For now.